1. On the
cohomological dimension of categories, Bull.
Georgian Acad. Sci., 88 (1977),
2. On the cohomology of categories, Proc. Math. Inst. Georgian Acad. Sci., LXII ( 1979), 28-37.
3. On Hilbert's
theorems for polinomial extensions of additive categories, Abstracts of the
talks of the VIII Conference of Georgian
Mathematicians, Kutaisi, 1979, 58-59.
4. On the computation of the global homological
dimension of certain linear topological matrix rings, Abstracts of the
All-Union Symposium on the Theory of Rings, Algebras and Modules,1980, Kishenev (Moldavia).
5. On the global homological dimension of extensions
of rings, Bull.Georgian Acad. Sci.
(1980), No. 2, 301-304.
6. On the global homological dimensions of trivial
linear topological extensions of linear
topological rings, Bull. Georgian Acad.
Sci. 100 (1980), No.3, 537-540.
7. On the homological dimension of extensions of
abelian categories and rings, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 101 (1981),
No.1, 37-40.
8. On the homological dimension of extensions of
abelian categories, Proc. Math. Inst.
Georgian Acad. Sci. LXX (1982), 24-41.
9. The global
homological dimension of trivial linear topological extensions of rings, Proc. Math. Inst. Georgian Acad. Sci. LXXIV ( 1983), 26-38.
10. On the global dimension of the category of
functors, Abstracts of the talks of the XI Conference of Georgian
Mathematicians, Kutaisi, 1986.
11. Coherence of nontrivial extensions of
abelian categories, Proc. Math. Inst.
Georgian Acad. Sci. 91 ( 1988), 3-11.
12. Cohomology of internal categories in categories of
groups with operations, in Categoprical Topology and its Relation to Analysis,
Algebra and Combinatorics, Editors: J.
Adamek and S. Mac Lane, Proc. Conf. Categorical Topology, Prague 1988,
World Scientific, 1989, 270-283.
13. Homological dimension of extensions of abelian
categories and rings, Lecture Notes in
Math. 1437 ( 1990), 1-35.
14. Cohomologically trivial internal categories in
categories of groups with operations, Applied
Categorical Structures, 3 (1995), No.3,
15. Whitehead homotopy equivalence and internal
category equivalence of crossed modules
in categories of groups with operations, Collected
papers on K-theory and Categorical Algebra, Proc. A.Razmadze Math Inst.
Acad.Sci. Georgia, 113 (1995), 3-30.
16. Kan extensions of internal functors.Algebraic
approach, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 6
(1999), No.2, 127-148.
17. Categorical properties of Mac Lane Whitehead
constructions, Abstracts of the talks of
the International Meeting in Category Theory, Como (Italy), 2000.
18. Category
Cohomology, An article contributed to Encyclopaedia of Mathematics
Supplement II, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000), 153, 111.
19. Diagram, An article contributed to
Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Supplement II, Kluwer Academic
Publishers (2000), 153, 112.
20. (with T.Pirashvili), On (Co)Homology of
2-types and crossed modules, J. Algebra, 244 (2001), 352-365.
21. Kan
extensions of internal functors. Nonconnected case, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 167 (2002),
22. (with F.W.Bauer), Closed model category structures on the category of chain functors, Topology & its
Applications, 131(2003),101-128.
23. Central series for groups with action and
Leibniz algebras, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 9(2002),
No.4, 671-682.
24. Witts theorem for groups with action and free
Leibniz algebras, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 11 (2004), No.4, 691-712.
25. ( with F.W. Bauer) The existence of certain (co-)
limits in the category of chain functors,
Journal of Algebra and Its
Applications, vol. 5, No. 4 (2006) 379-401.
26. (with J.M. Casas) Noncommutative Leibniz Poisson
algebras, Communications in Algebra,
34 (2006), No. 7, 2507-2530.
27. (with F.W. Bauer) Simplicial closed model category
structures on the category of chain functors, Homology, Homotopy and its Applications, vol.9(1), (2007), 1-32.
28. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Actors in
categories of interest arXiv:
29. (with
J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Actor of a precrossed module, Communications in Algebra, vol.
37, 2009, 4516-4541.
30. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra), Actor of an alternative algebra arXiv.math/0910.0550v1[mathRA] 3 Oct 2009.
31. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Universal strict
general actors and actors in categories of interest, Applied Categorical Structures vol. 18, 2010,
32. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Actor of a Lie--Leibniz
algebra, Communications in Algebra, 41
(4) (2013), 15701587, DOI 10.1080/0092.
33. (with J.M. Casas, M. Ladra and E. Uslu) Actions in the category of precrossed modules in Lie algebras, Communications in algebra 40 (8) 2012, 1-21.
34. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Left-right Noncommutative
Poisson algebras,
Cent. Eur. J.
Math 12 (1) (2014), 5778. DOI:10.2478/s11533-013-0321-x.
35. (with J.M. Casas, Y. Boyaci and E. O. Uslu) Actions in modified categories of interest with application to crossed modules, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 30, No. 25, 2015, pp. 882908.
36. Categorical, Homological, and Homotopical
Properties of Algebraic Objects, monograph, Journal
of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 225, No. 3, 2017, pp. 383-533.
(with J.M. Casas and M.
Ladra), The category of alternative algebras as a
category of interest: action theory, submitted
for publication in Algebras and Representation Theory.
38. (with O. Mucuk and T. Sahan), c-groups, c-crossed modules and categorical
groups, in preparation.