Curriculum Vitae




Personal information


First name(s) / Surname(s)

Tamar Datuashvili


Andria Razmadze  Mathematical Institute at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi state University, Tamarashvili str. No.6, 0177, Tbilisi , Georgia


(995 32) 222 64 04

Mobile: (995) 595 336404









Date of Birth






Research/Work Experience



From  2018 February

Name of Institution/Company, City and Country 

Andria Razmadze Mathematical Institute at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Name of Institute/Department

Department of Algebra

Position Held

Chief  Researcher


1990 -2018  February

Name of Institution/Company, City and Country 

:Andria Razmadze Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Since 2011 January Andria Razmadze Mathematical Institute at the Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, Georgia


Name of Institute/Department

: Department of Algebra

Position Held

Senior Scientist

Main Activities and Responsibilities

Scientific research work in the field of Algebra  (Homological algebra,, Category theory, Homotopical algebra, Nonassociative algebras), publishing  papers, giving talks on the regular seminars in Algebra, on the domestic and international conferences, Secretary of the Department of Algebra at the Mathematical Institute, during years a member of the Professional Union Committee at the same institute (head of the Section of Culture). Coorganiser  of the International conference  on Homology Theories, K-Theory and Homotopy Theory, 2000, Tbilisi (Georgia).

Work with research students.


Cooperative scientific works with foreign mathematicians Prof. Dr. of Frankfurt University  F.W. Bauer (Germany), Prof. of Santiago University M. Ladra (Spain), Prof. of Vigo University J.M. Casas, (Spain) and Dr. of Eskisehir Osmangazi University  E. Uslu (Turkey), also with Georgian mathematician  Reader  of Leicester University T. Pirashvili  (UK) (see the List of Publications).


Solution of two problems stated by J.-L. Loday  (see the corresponding papers 23  and 24 in the List of Publications )


Present  research area: Cohomology of algebras, Lie and Leibniz algebras, Noncommutative Poisson algebras, Actors in categories of Interest, Categorical groups, self acting groups.


Defence of Doctoral Dissertation  (Great Doctoral) at Tbilisi State University 2006.


Stays in internationally recognized centers  as a Visiting Professor


Principle Investigator of the project “Homological, Homotopical and Categorical Properties of Algebras and Their Varieties“, Funded be Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation, 2010-2012.



From 1999 To 2006

Position Held

Invited Professor

Name of Institution/Company, City and Country

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,

Name of Institute/Department

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Main Activities and Responsibilities

Lecturing  (giving special courses ) for Bacalavr  (equivalently,  Bachelor) students and Magistrants  in Category Theory, an adviser  and  a referee of Diploma works (equivalent of Master degree thesis) and student research works  at the same faculty.

Career Breaks

No career breaks


From 1986 To 1990

Name of Institution/Company, City and Country 

Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi

Name of Institute/Department

Andria Razmadze Mathematical Institute , Department of Algebra and Topology

Position Held


Main Activities and Responsibilities

Scientific research work in the field of Algebra,  publishing  papers, giving talks on the seminars in Algebra, on the domestic and international conferences, a talk on the Seminar in Algebra and Topology dedicated to the S. Mac Lane’s visit to Tbilisi, 1987. Topic: Global homological dimension of stable extensions of locally noetherian Grothendieck categories – the solution of the problem of I.Palmer and J.-E. Roos, 


From 1981 To1986

Name of Institution/Company, City and Country 

Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi

Name of Institute/Department

Andria Razmadze Mathematical Institute , Department of Algebra and Topology

Position Held

Junior Scientist

Main Activities and Responsibilities

Scientific research work in the field of Algebra,  publishing  papers, giving talks on the regular seminars in Algebra, on the domestic conferences, a talk on the seminar in Algebra at the M. Lomonosov Moscow State University, 1981 (Russia), host professor: A.V. Mikhalev, topic: On the homological dimension of rings and categories;

Defence of Ph.D. dissertation (Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences) at St. Petersburg University 1982 (Russia) .


From 1976 To 1980

Name of Institution/Company, City and Country 

Georgian Academy of Sciencies, Tbilisi

Name of Institute/Department

Andria Razmadze Mathematical Institute , Department of Algebra and Topology

Position Held

Research Studentship

Main Activities and Responsibilities

Passing exams in Mathematics (Mathematical Logic, Algebra and Number Theory, Speciality), Philosophy and English.


Preparation of  Candidate (equivalently, Doctoral)  dissertation,  solution of two problems stated by I. Palmer and J.-E. Roos (see the corresponding papers  5, 6, 9. and 13 in the List of Publications )


Publishing papers, giving talks on the regular Algebra department seminars, on the domestic and All-Union Conferences,  Invited Teacher  at Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics, subject  - Analitical Geometry.

Overseas Experience

Stays in Internationally Recognized Centers  as a Visiting Professor


10/93-11/93: University of Frankfurt, Germany (Prof. Dr. F.W. Bauer, DAAD Fellowship).

 04/95-05/95: School of Mathematics, North Wales University, Bangor, UK (Prof. R. Brown, INTAS program).

05/95-08/95: Tours University, France, (Prof. P. Damphousse).

08/99: Strasbourg University, France, (Prof. J.-L. Loday).

12/00-04/01: University of Frankfurt, Germany (Prof. Dr. F.W.Bauer, DAAD Fellowship, DFG       grant).

03/2001: Strasbourg University, France, (Prof. J.-L. Loday).

04/02-07/02: Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium, (Prof. Fr.  Borceux).

07/03-09/03: University of Frankfurt, Germany (Prof. Dr. F.W. Bauer, DFG grant).

2004 -20013: From 1 to 3 month visits per year to the University of Vigo at Pontevedra, Spain (Prof. J.-M. Casas).  

2005 -20013: From 1 to 4 month visits per year  to the University of Santiago de Compostela, Spain (Prof. M. Ladra).

07/09: Erciyes University, Turkey (Prof. O. Mucuk).

08/2012: Erciyes University, Turkey (Prof. O. Mucuk).

04/2014-06/2014: Osmangazi  University, Eskisehir, Turkey (Prof. E.O. Uslu)

The total amount of time spent on research

    42 years 



Academic Profile and Fellowship Period





30 January 2012

Title of qualification awarded

Approval of Validation of Doctor Title

Name of Institution, /City and Country

Santiago de Compostela University, Spain

Names of Department and Faculty

Department of Algebra, Faculty of Mathemtics

Title of the dissertation

Categorical, Homological and Homotopical Properties of Algebraic Objects


23 June 2006

Title of qualification awarded

Doctor of Sciences Physics and Mathematics

Name of Institution, /City and Country

Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Name of Faculty

Mathematics Faculty

Research area(s)

Mathematical Logic , Algebra and Number Theory

Title of the dissertation

Categorical, Homological and Homotopical Properties of Algebraic Objects

Thesis/dissertation advisor(s)

No advisor




13 May 1982

Title of qualification awarded

Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (equivalently, Ph. D.)

Name of Institution, /City and Country

St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad) State University, Russia (formerly Soviet Union)

Name of Faculty

Mathematics Faculty

Research area(s)

Mathematical Logic , Algebra and Number Theory

Title of the dissertation

On the Homological Dimension of Rings and Categories

Dissertation advisor

Academician ( at that period Doctor Professor) H. Inassaridze




From 1976 To1980

Title of qualification awarded

Aspirantura (Research Studentship)

Name of Institution, /City and Country

A. Razmadze Mathematical  Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences, Tbilisi, Georgia

Research area(s)

Mathematical Logic , algebra and Number Theory

Grade obtained



From 1971 to 1976

Title of qualification awarded

Mathematician, Teacher of Mathematics

Name of Institution, /City and Country

Ivane. Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University, Georgia

Name of Faculty/Department/Major

Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics

Research area


Title of Diploma Work

On the Cohomology and Cohomological Dimension of Categories

Diploma Adviser

Academician ( at that period Dr) H. Inassaridze

Grade obtained

Diploma (equivalent to Master degree), Grade Excellent



Personal skills and competences

Organised person 
 End-oriented work capacity 
 Problem-solving attitude 
 Responsibility, self-respect and self-reliance 
Hard working

Self- motivated

Able to do strategic planning

 Attentive to detail

 Able to work under tight deadlines

Able  to work individually and with a  team




Mother tongue(s)




Other language(s)

Russian, English, German, Spanish

Self-assessment  in English





Level (poor, fair, good, very good, excellent)  

Very good

Very good

Very good



Social skills and competences

Ability to establish and maintain good working relations with people of different national and cultural backgrounds 

Ability to work individually and as a team member, good communication skills with partners

 Open minded, ability to look for creative solutions

 Good experience in project and team management - leading workgroups and facilitation of team     members

Goal-oriented work focused capacity



Institutional skills and competences


Teaching  skills

Able to be an adviser of young researchers

Collaborating skills

Understands organizational mission; understands ethics  and public good; concerned with public trust

Demonstrates ability in conflict management and dispute resolution

Understands variety of approaches to decision making



Technical skills and competences

Analytical thinking

Good presentation skills

Operating Systems: Windows

Photo: PhotoEditing



Computer skills and competences

Microsoft Office tools (Word), Internet and MiKTeX  skills, OutlookExpess.



Awards and honours

DAAD stipend (Germany), 1993;

DFG grant (Germany), 2000;

DAAD stipend (Germany), 2001;

DFG grant (Germany), 2003.

One  or two  month research grants of the Vigo and Santiago de Compostela Universities, Ministry of education of Spain   and Xunta de Galicia (Spain)  per year during the period  2004-2013.

Grant of the Minstry of education of Turkey, TUBITAK, 20014, 6 months period.



Main Publications

1. On the cohomological dimension of categories, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci., 88 (1977), No.1,17-20.

2. On the cohomology of categories, Proc. Math. Inst. Georgian Acad. Sci., LXII ( 1979), 28-37.

3. On  Hilbert's theorems for polinomial extensions of additive categories, Abstracts of the talks  of   the VIII Conference of Georgian Mathematicians, Kutaisi, 1979, 58-59.

4. On the computation of the global homological dimension of certain linear topological matrix rings, Abstracts of the All-Union Symposium on the Theory of Rings, Algebras and  Modules,1980, Kishenev (Moldavia).

5. On the global homological dimension of extensions of rings, Bull.Georgian Acad. Sci. 100

 (1980), No. 2, 301-304.

6. On the global homological dimensions of trivial linear  topological extensions of linear topological rings, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 100 (1980), No.3, 537-540.

7. On the homological dimension of extensions of abelian categories  and rings, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 101 (1981), No.1, 37-40.

8. On the homological dimension of extensions of abelian categories, Proc. Math. Inst. Georgian Acad. Sci. LXX (1982), 24-41.

 9. The global homological dimension of trivial linear topological  extensions of rings, Proc. Math. Inst. Georgian Acad. Sci. LXXIV ( 1983), 26-38.

10. On the global dimension of the category of functors,  Abstracts of the talks  of the XI Conference of Georgian Mathematicians, Kutaisi, 1986.

11. Coherence of nontrivial extensions of abelian categories, Proc. Math. Inst. Georgian Acad. Sci. 91 ( 1988), 3-11.

12. Cohomology of internal categories in categories of groups with operations, in Categoprical Topology and its Relation to Analysis, Algebra and Combinatorics,  Editors: J. Adamek and S. Mac Lane, Proc. Conf. Categorical Topology, Prague 1988, World  Scientific, 1989, 270-283.

13. Homological dimension of extensions of abelian categories and rings, Lecture Notes in

 Math. 1437 ( 1990), 1-35.

14. Cohomologically trivial internal categories in categories of groups with operations, Applied Categorical Structures, 3 (1995),  No.3,  221-237.

15. Whitehead homotopy equivalence and internal category  equivalence of crossed modules in categories of groups with operations, Collected papers on K-theory and Categorical Algebra, Proc. A.Razmadze Math Inst. Acad.Sci. Georgia,  113 (1995), 3-30.

16. Kan extensions of internal functors.Algebraic approach, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 6 (1999),  No.2,  127-148.

17. Categorical properties of Mac Lane – Whitehead constructions, Abstracts of  the talks of the International Meeting in Category Theory, Como (Italy), 2000.

18.  Category Cohomology, An article contributed to Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Supplement II, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000), 153, 111.

19.  Diagram, An article contributed to Encyclopaedia of Mathematics Supplement II, Kluwer Academic Publishers (2000), 153, 112.

 20.  (with T.Pirashvili), On (Co)Homology of 2-types  and crossed modules, J. Algebra, 244 (2001), 352-365.       

21.  Kan extensions of internal functors. Nonconnected case, J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 167 (2002),  195-202.

22. (with F.W.Bauer), Closed model category  structures on the category of  chain functors, Topology & its Applications, 131(2003),101-128.  

 23. Central series for groups with action and Leibniz algebras, Georgian Mathematical Journal,  9(2002), No.4, 671-682.

24. Witt’s theorem for groups with action and free Leibniz algebras, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 11 (2004), No.4, 691-712.

25. ( with F.W. Bauer) The existence of certain (co-) limits in the category of chain functors,  Journal of Algebra and Its Applications, vol. 5, No. 4 (2006) 379-401.

26. (with J.M. Casas) Noncommutative Leibniz – Poisson algebras, Communications in Algebra, 34 (2006),  No. 7, 2507-2530.

27. (with F.W. Bauer) Simplicial closed model category structures on the category of chain functors, Homology, Homotopy and its Applications, vol.9(1), (2007), 1-32.

28. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Actors in categories of interest arXiv:


29. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Actor of a precrossed module, Communications in Algebra, vol. 37, 2009, 4516-4541.

30. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra), Actor of an alternative algebra  arXiv.math/0910.0550v1[mathRA] 3 Oct 2009.



31. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Universal strict general actors and actors in categories of interest, Applied Categorical Structures vol. 18, 2010, 85-114.

32.  (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra) Actor of a Lie--Leibniz algebra, Communications in Algebra, 41 (4) (2013), 1570–1587, DOI 10.1080/0092. 7872.2011.644608.

33. (with J.M. Casas, M. Ladra and E. Uslu) Actions in the category of precrossed modules in Lie algebras, Communications in algebra  40 (8) 2012, 1-21.

34.  (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra)  Left-right Noncommutative Poisson algebras,

Cent. Eur. J. Math 12 (1) (2014), 57–78. DOI:10.2478/s11533-013-0321-x.

35. (with Y. Boyaci, J.M. Casas, and E. O. Uslu) Actions in modified categories of interest with application to crossed modules, Theory and Applications of Categories, Vol. 30, No. 25, 2015, pp. 882–908.

36. Categorical, Homological, and Homotopical Properties of Algebraic Objects, monograph, Springer,  Journal of Mathematical Sciences, Vol. 225, No. 3, 2017.

37. Ioseb Avalishvili , ,  Terminology topics,  Vol. III, 2018, 53-67, Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi State University,  Arnold Chikobava  Institute of Linguistics, ISSN 1987-7633.

 38. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra), Action theory of alternative algebras, Georgian Math. J. 2019; 26(2): 177–197, DOI: 1515/gmj-2019-2015.

39. (with O. Mucuk, T. Sahan), Groups up to congruence relation and from categorical groups to cssc-crossed modules, Journal of homotopy and related structures,15(3-4):  625-640  DOI:10.1007/s40062-020—00270-4..

40. (with T.Sahan), Actions and semi-direct products in categories of groups with action, Hacet. J. Math. Stat. (2023),

41. (with T.Sahan) Pentactions and action reprsentability in the category of reduced groups with action, Georgian Mathematical Journal, published online November 2022.



42. (with O. Mucuk, T. Sahan and N. Alemdar), Equivalence of the categories of categorical groups and cssc-crossed modules, in preparation for publication.

43. (with J.M. Casas and M. Ladra)  Action representability and universal strict general actors in algebraic categories, Book, in preparation for publication.

44. Self acting group Lie and Leibniz algebras and cohomologies of self acting groups, in preparation.

45. Functorial properties of Mac Lane Whitehead constructions, in preparation.





Research Projects

 PROJECT TITLE: Algebraic K-Theory, Groups, and Categories


LENGHT                 FROM:1995                                                 TO: 1996



PROJECT TITLE: Algebraic K-Theory, Groups, and Categories


LENGHT                 FROM:1997                                                 TO: 1998



PROJECT TITLE: Homological Algebra, its Non-abelian and Categorical Topics, Applications to Homotopy Theory, K –Theory, Algebraic Geometry and Galois Theory-FINANCIALENTITY: GM1-115 of the U.S. CRDF

LENGHT                 FROM:1997                                                 TO: 1998



PROJECT TITLE: Homotopical Algebra and K-Theory

FINANCIAL ENTITY: PICS CNRS Franco-Georgien De Mathématiques 542

LENGHT                 FROM:1999                                                 TO: 2001



PROJECT TITLE: Homotopy, Galois Theory, and Descent


LENGHT FROM:1999            TO:  2002



PROJECT TITLE: Algebraic K-Theory, Linear Algebraic Groups and Related Structures


LENGHT                 FROM: 2003                                                TO: 2006



PROJECT TITLE: Categorical Algebraic and Topological Structures in Homotopical Algebra, K-Theory  and Cyclic Homology

FINANCIAL ENTITY: Georgia National Science Foundation

LENGHT                 FROM: 2006                                                TO: 2009

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Prof. Acad. H. Inassaridze


PROJECT TITLE: Métodos computaciones y homológicos en álgebras no asociativas (Ref. MTM2009-14464-C02-02)

FINANCIAL ENTITY: Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (Spain)

LENGHT                 FROM: 2010                                                TO: 2012

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Prof. José Manuel Casas Mirás


PROJECT TITLE: Computación en algebras no asociativas y algebras de Hopf (Ref. Incite09 207 215PR)

FINANCIAL ENTITY: Xunta de Galicia (Spain)

LENGHT                 FROM: 2009                                                TO: 2012

PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Prof. José Manuel Casas Mirás


PROJECT TITLE: Homological, Homotopical and Categorical Properties of Algebras and Their


FINANCIAL ENTITY: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation

LENGHT                 FROM: 2010                                                TO: 2012



PROJECT TITLE:  "Homological and categorical methods in topology,

algebra and theory of stacks"


FINANCIAL ENTITY: Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation

LENGHT                 FROM: 2013                                                TO: 2015





Conferences and Workshops

Regular Domestic Conferences of Georgian Mathemticians  since 1976.

Conference in the History of Mathematics, 1994, Tbilisi (Georgia).

Conference in Algebra Dedicated to the 70th Birthday Jubilee of Academicain H.

    Inassaridze, 2002, Tbilisi (Georgia).

The Fourth All Soviet Union Symposium on the Theory of Rings, Algebras and Modules, 1980, Kishenev (Moldavia).

International Conference in Categorical Topology, 1988, Prague  (Czechoslovakia).

International Meeting in Category Theory, 1989, Bangor (UK).

International Conference in Category Theory, 1990, Como (Italy).

International Conference in Category Theory, 1991, Montreal (Canada).

European Colloquium of Category Theory, 1994, Tours (France).

International Seminar in Algebraic K-Theory, Groups, and Categories,  1995, Bangor  (UK)

Homologie et BBQ, 1995, Tours (France).

International Summer Meeting in Category Theory, 1995, Cambridge (UK).

International Summer School in Categorical Topology, 1995, Alle-sur-Semois (Belgium).

International Conference in Category Theory, 1999, Coimbra (Portugal).

International School in Category Theory and Applications, 1999, Coimbra (Portugal).

International Conference  CATOP  2000 Dedicated to the 70th Birthday Jubilee of Prof. H. Kleisli,  Fribourg (Switzerland).

International Conference Up to Homotopy, 2000, Luminy (France).

International Conference  Homology Theories, K-Theory and Homotopy Theory, 2000,

    Tbilisi (Georgia).

International Meeting in Category Theory, 2000, Como (Italy).

III Seminario de Categorias y Aplicaciones, 2005, Santiago de Compostela(Spain).

International Conference Homology Theories, K-Theory and Homotopy Theory, 2007,

     Tbilisi (Georgia).

International Seminar in Category Theory Dedicated to the memory of G.M. Kelly, University of Cape Town,  (South African Republic), 2010.

International Conference  Topological Methods in Logic, 2012, Tbilisi (Georgia).




Professional Memberships

Member of the Georgian Mathematical Union

Member of  the Tbilisi Centre for Mathematical Sciences

Member of the Georgian Mathematical Terminology Committee at Tbilisi Iv. Javakhishvili State University



Other Professional Activities

     Invited Talks on the Seminars and Meetings

1. Talk on the seminar in Algebra  at Moscow M. Lomonosov State University, Mathematics faculty,1981 (Russia). Chairman Prof. A.V. Mikhalev,. Topic: Homological dimensions of rings and categories (Category cohomology and its properties, solution of two problems of I Palmer and J.-E. Roos stated in the literature.).

2.. Talk on the meeting of the St. Petersburg Department of Steklov Institute of Mathematics of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 1982 (Russia). Chairman Prof. Z.I. Borevich. Topic: Homological dimensions of rings and categories.

3, Talk on the seminar  in Algebra and Topology at Tbilisi Andrea Razmade mathematical institute dedicated to the visit of Professor S. Mac Lane  (Chicago University, USA ), June 1987. Topic:  The global homological dimension of  trivial linear topological  extensions of rings, solution of the problem of  I.Palmer and J.-E.Roos.

4. Talks on the seminars in Algebra and Topoogy at Frankfurt University, Mathematics faculty  

(8 talk 1993 (Germany). Host Professor: F. W. Bauer, topics: Category of groups with operations, Internal category theory  and crossed modules, Cohomology of internal categories.

5.Talk on the seminar in  Algebra and Topology at IRMA (Institut de Recherche Mathematique Avancee), 2001, Strasbourg (France). Host  Professor: J.-L. Loday, topic: Central series of groups with action and Leibniz algebras – the  solution of Loday’s two problems.

6. Talks on the seminars in Category Theory at the Catholic University of Louvain, (3 talks)  2002 (Belgium). Host professor: F. Borceux, topics: Kan extensions of internal functors, Whitehead’s homotopy systems of CW complexes, Classification of connected cell complexes according to their 2-type, Categorical properties of Whitehead-Mac lane constructions, Applications to the topological approach to the problem of the existence of internal Kan extensions.

7. Talks on the meetings at the Mathematics department of the Ercyies University  (2 talks), 2009 (Kayseri, Turkey). Host professor: O. Mucuk, topics: E. Witt’s construction and the theorem on central series of groups and Lie algebras, A category of groups with action on itself, ideals, commutators and central series of objects in this category, The solution of Loday’s two problems.

8. Talks on the seminars in Algebra and Topology at  the Ercyies University, faculry of mathematics  (11 studying and research seminars), 2009 (Kayseri, Turkey), Host Professor: O. Mucuk, topics: Categories of interest, Internal category theory in the category of groups with operations, Crossed modules, The equivalence of the categories of crossed modules and internal  categories in the category of groups with operations, Monoidal categories, Categorical groups, c-groups, c-crossed modules.

9. Talks on the seminars in algebra at Santiago de Compostela and Vigo Universities (Pontevedra) during my stays there in the period 2004-2013,  Host professors M. Ladra  and J.M Casas.

10. Talks on the seminars in Algebra and Topology at  the Ercyies University  (12 research  working seminars), 2012 (Kayseri, Turkey), Host Professor: O. Mucuk.




Reviewer of  the journal Zentralblatt für Mathematik und ihre Grenzgebiete


Referee of the journals:

Georgian Mathematical Journal,

Journal of Homotopy and Related Structures,

Journal of Algebra and its Applications.


Referee of Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation