List of Publications of Prof. Vakhtang Garsevanishvili
(i) Monographs
Relativistic nuclear physics in the light front formalism (with Z. R. Menteshashvili). Nova Science Publishers, New York, 1993.
(ii) Scientific Papers
Relativistic two-body problem with separable interaction (with V. A. Matveev and L. A. Slepchenko). Communications JINR P2-3865, Dubna, 1968.
Relativistic quasipotential model of particle scattering at high energy. In. Fundamental interactions at high energy (with V. A. Matveev and L. A. Slepchenko). Gordon and Breach, New York, 1969.
Relativistic quasipotential model of high energy particle scattering (with V. A. Matveev, L. A. Slepchenko, and A. N. Tavkhelidze). Phys. Lett. 29B (1969), 191.
Elastic pp- and np- scattering at high energy in the quasipotential model (with S. V. Goloskokov, V. A. Matveev and L. A. Slepchenko). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys., 10 (1969), 627.
Quasipotential approach to isobar production processes at high energy (with V. A. Matveev, L. A. Slepchenko, and A. N. Tavkhelidze). In Proc. XV. Int. Conf. on High Energy Physics, Kiev, 1970.
High energy hadron scattering and quasipotential approach in quantum field theory (with V. A. Matveev, and L. A. Slepchenko). Sov. J. Particl. Nucl. 1 (1970), 91.
Eikonal approximation for high energy scattering amplitudes in the quasipotential approach. Communications JINR P2-5466, Dubna, 1970.
Quasipotential theory of high energy hadron scattering (with V. A. Matveev, L. A. Slepchenko, and A. N. Tavkhelidze). Phys. Rev. D4 (1971), 849.
The account of corrections to the eikonal approximation in the quasipotential approach (with S. V. Goloskokov, V. A. Matveev, L. A. Slepchenko, and A. N. Tavkhelidze). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 6 (1971), 36.
Representation for the relativistic scattering amplitude at high energy (with V. G. Kadyshevsky, R. M. Mir-Kasimov, and N. B. Skachkov). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 7 (1971), 203.
The study of spin effect at high energy in the quasipotential approach (with S. V. Goloskokov, V. A. Matveev, and L. A. Slepchenko). Sov . J. Theor. Math. Phys. 11 (1972), 37.
Quasipotential formalism for the two-particle system with spins 0 and 1/2 (with S. V. Goloskokov , V. A. Matveev, and L. A. Slepchenko) Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 12 (1972), 38.
A method of solving of quasipotential type equations (with A. Atanasov). Communications JINR P2-6496, Dubna, 1972.
On the limit in the quasipotential equation (with S. V. Goloskokov, V.
A. Matveev, and L. A. Slepchenko). Communications JINR P2-6677,
Dubna, 1972.
Pade-approximants in the quasipotential scattering problem (with M. P. Chavleshvili). Compt. Rendus Bulgarian Acad. Sci. 25 (1972), 1175.
Pipi-scattering at low energies (with D. V. Shirkov). Lectures at the Sukhumi Intern. School on High Energy Physics, JINR, Dubna, 1972.
The study of backward scattering processes at high energy in the quasipotential approach (with S. V. Goloskokov). Communications JINR P2-6833, Dubna, 1972.
pi N-scattering at high energy in the quasipotential approach (with M. I. Dzhgarkava et al.). Nucl. Phys. B67 (1973), 232.
Quasipotential approach and spin effects in high energy scattering. Lectures at the Tbilisi School on High Energy Physics, Tbilisi State University, 1973.
On the rhoresonance in the simplest model of pipi-interaction (with N. Angelov, A. Atanasov, and A. V. Matveenko). Communications JINR P2-7502, Dubna, 1973.
Quasipotential approach and backward pi N-scattering at high energies (with S. V. Goloskokov et al.). Nucl. Phys. B79 (1974), 396.
Relativistic form-factors of composite particles (with A. N. Kvinikhidze, V. A. Matveev, A. N. Tavkhelidze, and R. N. Faustov). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 23 (1975), 310.
On the relativistic form-factors of manybody systems (with V. A. Matveev). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 24 (1975), 3.
Scattering of composite particles and quasipotential approach in quantum field theory (with V. A. Matveev, A. N. Kvinikhidze, A. N. Tavkhelidze, and R. N. Faustov). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 25 (1975), 37.
On the choice of variables for two-body scattering amplitudes. Communications JINR P2-8648, Dubna, 1975.
Quasipotential description of high energy scattering of two spin 1/2 particles (with S. V. Goloskokov). Communications JINR P2-9163, Dubna, 1975.
pi N-scattering at high energies and its quasipotential description (with Yu. M. Kazarinov). In: Lectures at the Schi School on High Energy Physics, JINR, Dubna, 1975.
On the form-factors of composite systems. JETP Lett. 23 (1975), 58.
On the scattering of composite particles. Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 29 (1976), 65.
Problems of interactions of the relativistic composite systems. In: Lectures at the XIII Intern. School on Theor. Physics., Wroclaw Univ., 1976.
On pi N-scattering at high energies in quasipotential approach (with S. V. Goloskokov et al.). Communications JINR P2-9947, Dubna, 1976.
Moving deuterons and the relativistic three body problem (with D. G. Mirianashvili). Rep. Math. Phys. 11 (1977), 89.
Description of high energy pp-scattering in the quasipotential approach (with L. Glonti et al.). Communications JINR E2-10971, Dubna, 1977.
Scattering of composite particles and quasipotential approach in light front variables. In: Deep Inelastic and Inclusive Processes, Publ. Inst. Nucl. Res. Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, 1977.
On the distribution of spectator fragments in the processes involving relativistic nuclei (with Z. R. Menteshashvili, D. G. Mirianashvili, and M. S. Nioradze). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 33 (1977), 276.
On comparison with the experiment of automedel regularity in the process of relativistic deuteron break-up (with K. Beshliu et al.). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 27 (1978), 1356.
On one scale-invariant variable for description of hadron-hadron interactions (with L. N. Abesalashvili et al.). JETP Lett. 28 (1978), 174.
Some processes involving relativistic nuclei in the light front formalism for composite systems (with Z. R. Menteshashvili, D. G. Mirianashvili, and M. S. Nioradze). Proc. Tbilisi State Univ. 196 (1978), 86.
Erhaps a new scaling variable for the description of hadron-hadron interactions? (with N. S. Amaglobeli et al.). In Proc. of the IV European Antiproton Symp. Strasbourg 1 (1978), 495.
Inclusive analysis of pi p-interactions in light front variables (with L. N. Abesalashvili, N. S. Amaglobeli et al.). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 30 (1979), 156.
On critical surfaces in a phase space of particles inclusively produced in hadron-hadron collisions (with L. N. Abesalashvili, N. S. Amaglobeli et al.). JETP Lett. 30 (1979), 448.
Processes involving relativistic nuclei and many body formalism in light front variables (with D. G. Mirianashvili and M. S. Nioradze). Communications JINR D2-11707, Dubna, 1979.
Problems of deep inelastic lepton-nucleus interaction (with Ya. Z. Darbaidze, Sh. M. Esakia, and Z. R. Menteshashvili). Fortschritte der Physik, “Akademie” DDR 28 (1980), 501.
Analysis of spectator-nucleon distributions in process of direct break-up relativistic deuteron in the light front formalism for composite systems (with B. S. Aladashvili, V. V. Glagolev et al.). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 33 (1981), 1275.
On the deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering. (with Ya. Z. Darbaidze and Z. R. Menteshashvili). Sov. J. Theor. Math. Phys. 42 (1980), 50.
Experiments with beams of high energy nuclei and problem of relativization of nuclear wave functions (with B. S. Aladashvili, M. Bano et al.). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 34 (1981), 1063.
Verification of scale invariant properties of relativistic wave function of deuteron on the basis of analysis of experimental data (with D. V. Gersamia). Communications JINR 1-81-838, Dubna, 1981.
On the deep inelastic lepton nucleus interactions (with Ya. Darbaidze, Z. R. Mentetashvili, and Sh. M. Esakia). In Proc. of Intern. Seminar “Quarks-80”, Publ. Inst. Nucl. Res. Acad. Sci. USSR, Moscow, 1981.
On the structure functions of deep-inelastic lepton-hadron interaction (with Z. R. Menteshashvili and Sh. M. Esakia). Proc. Tbilisi State Univ. 226 (1981), 58.
Perhaps a new unified scaling variable for describing of
low and high -processes? (with N. S. Amaglobeli et al.). Preprint ICTP
IC/82/191, Trieste,
Inclusive analysis of (anti)pp>pi
X reactions in light front variables (with N.S. Amaglobeli,
I. Gramenitskii et al.). Proc. Tbilisi State Univ., 1983.
Vector mesons production in a parton model with account for a quark transverse motion (with V. G. Kartvelishvili, G. O. Kuratashvili et al.). In: Proc. of Int. Seminar on the Problems of High Energy Physics, Protvino, 1983.
Study of distributions of
He spectator fragments in collisions of
He nucleus with
Li and
C nuclei in light front variables (with G. L. Vardenga, Z.
R. Menteshashvili et al.). Proc. Tbilisi State Univ. 242 (1983),
Ratio of invariant cross section of pi-mesons in pi p-interactions at 5 and 40 Ge V/c in
light front variables (with L. N. Abesalashvili). Proc. Tbilisi State Univ.
244 (1983), 95.
Problems of the theory of nuclear interactions in the relativistic approach (with Z. R. Menteshashvili, D. G. Mirianashvili, and M. S. Nioradze). Sov. J. Particl. Nucl. 15 (1984), 1111.
Light front formalism for the few body systems and some of its applications. In: Proc. of IX European Conf. on Problems of Few Body in Physics, Tbilisi, 1984. World Scientific Publ., Singapore, 1984.
On the multiquark configurations in nuclei (with Z. R. Menteshashvili). JETP Lett. 40 (1984), 359.
On the problem of quark degrees of freedom in nuclei (with Z. R. Menteshashvili). Communications JINR E2-84-314, Dubna, 1984.
On the quark degrees of freedom in nuclei (with Z. R. Menteshashvili) . Seminar on Problems of High Energy Physics, Dubna, June 1984. Publ. JINR D1, 2-84-599, Dubna, 1984, 157.
On the quark degrees of freedom in nuclei (with Z. R. Menteshashvili). In: Proc. of the Intern. Seminar “Quarks-84”, Tbilisi, 1984.
Deep inelastic scattering and multiHigh Energy Physics and Quantum Field Theory (with Z. R. Menteshashvili). Protvino, Jule 1984. Publ. IHEP Protvino 2 (1984), 54.
On scaling properties of relaticistic wave functions of
He and
He nuclei (with Z. R. Menteshashvili, D. G. Mirianashvili,
and M. S. Nioradze). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 41 (1985), 587.
Forces acting in microcosmos. Metsniereba da Teknika, 1985, 11.
Inclusive production of vector mesons in (anti)pp and pp-interactions in the model of fusion and recombination (with N. S. Amaglobeli). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 44 (1986), 1533.
Deep inelastic lepton-nucleus scattering and multiquark states in nuclei (with N. A. Kiknadze and Z. R. Menteshashvili). Acta Phys. Polon. B 19 (1988), 439.
Multiquark states in nuclei and nuclear effect in deep inelastic lepton scattering and lepton pair production (with M. E. Buzaladze and Z. R. Menteshashvili). In: Proc. of the Intern. Seminar “Quarks-88”, Tbilisi, 1988. World Scientefic Publishing Co., Singapore, 1988, 640.
Inclusive production of vector mesons in Kp-interactions in the model of fusion and
recombination (with N. S. Amaglobeli et al.). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 49
(1989), 1434.
Multiquark states in nuclei and nuclear effects in deep inelastic lepton scattering and lepton pair production (with M. E. Buzaladze and Z. R. Menteshashvili). Acta Phys. Polon. B 20 (1989), 211.
Transverse momentum distribution of lepton pairs in hadron-nuclear collisions (with M. E. Buzaladze, K. M. Hanna, V. A. Matveev, and Z. R. Menteshashvili). Proc. of the Intern. Conf. “Hadron Structure-89”, Smolenice Castle, Czechoslovakia, 1989, Bratislava, 1989, 214.
Cavendish Laboratory. Metsniereba da Teknika, 1989.
Famous Scientist. Metsniereba da Teknika, 1989.
Nuclear effects in deep inelastic lepton scattering and lepton pair production processes (with M. E. Buzaladze, K. M. Hanna, V. A. Matveev, and Z. R. Menteshashvili). In: Proc. of the XII workshop “Problems of High Energy Physics and Field Theory”, Protvino, 1989. Moscow, “Nauka”, 1990, 328.
Multiquark states in nuclei and nuclear effects in deep inelastic lepton scattering and lepton pair production processes (with M. E. Buzaladze, K. M. Hanna, V. A. Matveev, and Z. R. Menteshashvili). Preprint of Pisa University, Pisa, 1990.
On the transverse momentum distribution of lepton pairs produced in hadron-nucleus collisions (with M. E. Buzaladze, V. A. Matveev, Z. R. Menteshashvili, and K. M. Hanna). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 52 (1990), 299.
Transverse momentum distribution of lepton pairs in hadron-nuclear collisions (with M. E. Buzaladze, K. M. Hanna, V. A. Matveev, and Z. R. Menteshashvili). In: Proc. of the Intern. Seminar “Quarks’90”, Telavi, 1990. World Scientific Publishing Co., Singapore, 1990, 556.
On the structure of elementary particles. Metsniereba da Technika. 1990.
On the choice of invariant variables for two-body processes (with M. B. Sheftel). Rep. Math. Phys. 29 (1991), 85.
On the electromagnetic decays of charmonium in the relativistic quark model (with G. O. Betsuashvili et al.). Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55 (1992), 1021.
On the electromagnetic decays of mesons containing light quarks in the relativistic quark model. Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 55 (1992), 2490.
Multiquark cluster model at large Bjorken varible (with M. Buzaladze et al.). In: Proc. of the Egypyean-German Spring School & Conference in Particle & Nuclear Phys. Cairo 2 (1992), 25.
Multiquark cluster model at large Bjorken variable (with M. Buzaladze et al.). J. Phys. Nucl. Phys. 19 (1993), 721.
Electromagnetic decays of pseudoscalar and vector mesons in the relativistic quark model (with G. Betsuashvili et al.). In: Proc. Intern. Seminar “Quarks’94”, Vladimir, Russia, 1994, World Scientific, 1994.
Towards the light front variables for high energy production processes (with N. Amaglobeli et al.). In “Thessaloniki 1997, Aqdvances in Nuclear Physics & Related Areas”, 698.
Electromagnetic decays of pseudoscalar and vector mesons in the relativistic quark model (with coauthors). In: Vladimir 1994, “Quarks’94”, 556-563.
Inclusive production of K-mesons in pp-interactions at 24 GeV/c (with N. S. Amaglobeli et al). (Russian) Yad. Fiz. 59 (1996), No. 6, 1018-1020; English transl.: Phys. Atom. Nucl. 59 (1996), 973-975.
Light front analysis of pi-mesons produced in Mg-Mg collisions at 4.3 AGeV/c (with M. Anikina et al.). Nucl. Phys. A 640 (1998), 117-128.
Multiplicity of secondary charged hadrons as a function of interacting protons in (p,d,He,C)Ta - collisions at an incident momentum of 2.3 GeV/c per nucleon (with S. Esakia et al.). (Russian) Yad. Fiz. 61 (1998), 668-670; English transl.: Phys. Atomic Nucl. 61 (1998), 595-597.
Analysis of charged secondaries in hadron-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus collisions in terms of multivariate KNO-scaling (with S. Esakia et al.). (Russian) Yad. Fiz. 61 (1998), 1460-1463; English transl.: Phys. Atom. Nucl. 61 (1998), 1356-1358.
Light front formalism in the quasi-potential approach in quantum field theory (with A. Tavkhelidze). (Russian) Fiz. Elem. Chast. Atom. Yadra 30 (1999), 613-659; English transl.: Phys. Part. Nucl. 30 (1999), 258-278.
Towards of light front variables for high energy production processes (with N. Amaglobeli Eur. Phys. J. C 8 (1999), 603-607.
The analysis of pi-mesons produced in nucleus-nucleus collisions at a momentum of 4.5 GeV/c per nucleon in light front variables (with M. Anikina et al.). Eur. Phys. J. A 7(2000), 139-145.
Analysis of the inclusive spectra of pi-mesons from nucleus-nucleus collisions in terms of light front variables (with L. Akhobadze et al.) (Russian) Yad. Fiz. 63 (2000), 1670-1674; English transl.: Phys. Atom. Nucl. 63 (2000), 1584-1588.
Analysis of charged secondary hadrons in the collisions of relativistic nuclei in the framework of cluster cascading and partial stimulating models (with L. Akhobadze et al.). Proc. Tbilisi State University, Physics 35 (2001), 152.
The analysis of pi-meson spectra in semicentral CC and CTa-collisions at a momentum of 4.2 GeV/c per Nucleon in terms of light front variables (with L. Chkaidze et. al.). JINR Communications, E1-2003-67, Dubna, 2003, 21pp.
Light front variables in high energy hadron-hadron and nucleus-nucleus collisions (with L. Chkaidze et. al.). Phys. Part. Nucl. 34 (2003), 526.
On the universality and asymptotic behavior of the multiplicity distributions of charged hadrons in the collisions at high energies in the framework of the cluster-cascading model (with L. Akhobadze et. al.). Proc. Tbilisi State University, Physics 39 (2004), 44.
Average multiplicity of charged secondaries as a function of the number of interacting nycleons in the collisions of relativistic nuclei in the energy range (0.250-200) AGeV (with L. Akhobadze et. al.). Proc. Tbilisi State University, Physics 39 (2004), 56.
The analysis of pi-meson spectra in semicentral CC and CTa collisions in terms of light front variables (with L. Chkhaidze et. al.). Phys, Atom. Nucl. 67 (2004), 1330.
Light front variables in high energy inclusive reactions (with L. Chkhaidze et. al.). Proc International Conference NUPPAC-05, Cairo, Egypt, November, 2005.
Light front formalism for composite systems and some of its aoolications in particle and relativistic nuclear physics (with Al Khelashvili et al.). Phys. Rep. 458 (2008), 247.
Comparative analysis of average characteristics of pi --mesons and protons in noncentral and semicentral CTa-collisions at 4.2 AGeV/c (with L. Abesalashvili et al.). GESJ 1 (2009), 22.
Characteristics of protons and pi --mesons in central collisions at 4.2 AGeV/c (with L. Akhobadze et al.). GESJ 2 (2009), 73.
Light front form of the deutron relativistic wave function (with L. Abesalashvili et al.). GESJ 5 (2011), 80.
The study of characteristics in protons with maximal cumulative number and surrounding hadrons in the collisions of relativistic nuclei (with L. Abesalashvili et al.). GESJ 6 (2012), 57.
Comparative analysis of kinematic characteristics of hadrons with maximal cumulative number in the collisions of relativistic nuclei (with L. Abesalashvili et al.). GESJ 17 (2012), 21.