Curriculum Vitae
1. Full Name: Dali Zangurashvili
2. Address, Telephone, E-Mail:
A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute
1, Aleksidze St., 0193 Tbilisi
Tel.: +995 32
3. Date of Birth: 24/01/1968
4. Education and Scientific Degrees:
1989: |
Graduated from Tbilisi State University (Faculty of Mechanics and Mathematics). |
1989-1992: |
Post-graduate student of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute |
1993: |
Ph.D, Tbilisi State University. |
5. Work Experience:
1992-2005: |
Senior Scientist of Technical University of Georgia |
1997-1998: |
Post-doctoral position at the University of Coimbra (Portugal) |
1998-2000: |
Reader at Tbilisi Pedagogical University (Lecture course “Algebra and Number theory”) |
1999-2002: |
Lecturer at Tbilisi State University (Lecture course “Locales (frames), Stone duality”) |
2002-2006: |
Reader at Tbilisi State University (Lecture courses “Locales (frames), Stone duality” and “Linear Algebra”) |
2001-2002: |
Junior Research Worker of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences |
Since 2002: |
Senior Research Worker of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute of the Georgian Academy of Sciences |
6. Scientific Interests: Category Theory, Universal Algebra, General Topology
7. Main Publications:
D. Zangurashvili, On some categorical algebraic properties of functor categories with values in concrete categories, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 135 , N.2, 1989, 17-19. (in Russian).
D. Zangurashvili, Some categorical algebraic properties of quasi-varieties of algebras internal to a Grothendieck topos, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 139, N.1, 1990, 25-28 (in Georgian).
D. Zangurashvili, On some categorical algebraic properties of functor categories, Bull. Georgian Acad. Sci. 141, N.2, 1991, 269-272.
D. Zangurashvili, On some categorical algebraic properties of functor categories, II. Counter-examples. Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 113, 1995, 155-172.
D. Zangurashvili, Factorization systems and adjunctions , Georgian Math. J. 6 (2), 1999, 191-200.
D. Zangurashvili, Adjunctions and locally transferable factorization systems, Applied Categ. Structures, 9 (6), 2001, 625-650.
D. Zangurashvili, The strong amalgamation property and codescent morphisms, Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 131 (2003), 150.
D. Zangurashvili, The strong amalgamation property and (effective) codescent morphisms, Theory Appl. Categ. 11, N.20 (2003), 438-449.
D. Zangurashvili, Several constructions for factorization systems, Theory Appl. Categ. 12, 2004, No. 11, 326-354.
D. Zangurashvili, Some categorical algebraic properties: counter-examples for functor categories, Appl. Categ. Structures, 13(2), 2005, 113-120.
D. Zangurashvili, Effective codescent morphisms, amalgamations and factorization systems (accepted by J. Pure Appl. Algebra).
8. Participation in Scientific Forums:
Talk “Some categorical-algebraic properties of functor categories” at International Conference Algebra (Novosibirsk, USSR, 1989).
Talk “Some categorical-algebraic properties of categories of functors with values in categories without products” at International Meeting in Category Theory (Montreal, Canada, 1991).
Talk “Categories of functors with values in metric spaces, finite groups, fields and integral domains” at I Congress of Georgian Mathematicians ( Tbilisi, 1994).
Talk “Factorization systems and adjunctions” at II Congress of Georgian Mathematicians (Tbilisi, Georgia, 1997).
Talk “Factorization systems and adjunctions” in workshop “Métodos Categóricos em Topologia” (Coimbra, Portugal, 1997).
Talk “The algebra of factorization systems on Heyting algebras” in Encontro Projectos ESCoLa-ACL (Coimbra, Portugal, 1998).
Talk “Adjunctions and locally transferable factorization systems” at International Symposium on Applications of Categorical Methods (Antwerp, Belgium, 1998).
Small intensive course “Amalgamation properties of functor categories”, University of Coimbra (Portugal, 1998).
Talk “Several generalizations of one theorem” at III Congress of Georgian Mathematicians (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2001).
Talk “The strong amalgamation property and codescent morphisms” at Conference “Modern algebra and its applications” (Tbilisi, Georgia, 2002).
Abstract “One factorization theorem for morphisms of groups with operators”, Int. School and Workshop “Geometric and Group Theory Methods in Physics and Mathematics” (Batumi, Georgia, 2003).
9. Participation in Grant Projects:
INTAS Grant 93-436-EXT (1997-1998).
Post-doctoral grant from Centro de Matemática da Universidade de Coimbra/FCT (1997-1998).
INTAS Grant 97 31961 (1999-2002).
Research Grant of President of Georgia for young scientists (the second degree, 2002-2003).
10. Languages: Georgian, Russian, English