Professor Archil Kharadze

(21. 04. 1895, village Tsipa - 17. 12. 1976, Tbilisi)


1912-1917 Student of Moscow University, Faculty of Physics and Mathematics.
1917 Diploma in Mathematics, Moscow University
1922 Passed doctor's exams, Tbilisi State University
1930 Conferred the rank of Professor, Tbilisi State University


1917-1918 Teacher of Tbilisi Alexandrian Pedagogical Institute
1918-1922 Assistant of Tbilisi State University
1922-1930 Docent of Tbilisi State University
1930-1975 Head of the Chair of Mathematical Analysis of Tbilisi State University
1935-1938 Dean of faculty of Physics and Mathematics of Tbilisi State University
1938-1944 Vice-rector of Tbilisi State University
1935-1937 Head of the Department of Theory of Functions of a Complex Variable of Tbilisi Mathematical Institute
1937-1944 Head of the Department of Algebra of Tbilisi Mathematical Institute
1944-1948 Head of the Department of Theoretical Mathematics of Tbilisi Mathematical Institute
1947-1952 Director of Tbilisi A. Pushkin Pedagogical Institute
1975-1976 Professor-Consultant of the Chair of Mathematical Analysis of Tbilisi State University


Mathematical Analysis




1921-1925 Member of Mathematical Terminological Ccommission of making Russian-Georgian and Georgian-Russian dictionary.


(i) Monographs

  1. Mean-value theorems and their application to polynomials. (Russian) Izd. Tbiliss. Univ., Tbilisi, 1947, 140 p.

    (ii) Papers

  2. Bemerkung zu der Notiz des Herrn C. Weltzien: Die rationale Lözung der gleichung dritte Grades. Bull. Tbiliss. Univ., (1921).
  3. Notes on rational roots of a cubic equation. (Georgian) Bull. Tbiliss. Univ., 2(1923), 197-199.
  4. Some applications of one partial class of polynomials. (Georgian) Bull. Tbiliss. Univ., 3(1923), 97-106.
  5. On one generalization of evolute of a plane curve. (Russian) Bull. Tbiliss. Univ., 4(1924), 305-314.
  6. On polynomials analogous to Legendre, Bernoulli and Euler ones. (Russian) Trudy 2-go Vserossiisk. Matem. S'ezda.., (1927), 222-223.
  7. Sur les suites des nombres rationels analogues aux nombres de Bernoulli et d'Euler. Bull. Tbiliss. Univ., 7(1927), 248-253.
  8. Note on a class of numerical series. (Georgian) Izv. Gruz. Inzh.-Stroit. Inst., Tbilisi, 1(1932), 80-82.
  9. On a class of partial linear equations. (Russian) Izv. Gruz. Inzh.-Stroit. Inst., Tbilisi, 2(1933), 15-27.
  10. On one formula for an approximate calculation of certin integrals. (Russian) Izv. Gruz. Inzh.-Stroit. Inst., Tbilisi, 3(1933), 5-8.
  11. To the theory on a finite increment. (Russian) Izd. Inzh.-Stroit. Inst., Tbilisi, 3(1933), 105-113.
  12. On roots of polynomials and their derivatives. (Russian) Trudy 2-go Vsesojuzn Matem. S'ezda, 2(1934), L., 207.
  13. On the extension of Jentsch's theorem to the Faber's series. (Russian) Trudy 2-go Vsesojuzn. Matem. S'ezda, 2(1934), L., 207.
  14. On polynomials analogous to Lagrangean ones and some of their applications. (Russian) Izd-vo Zakavk. Industr. Inst. 1 (2)(1935), 1-28.
  15. Sur un opérateur fonctionnel et sur la généralization des polynomes de Legendre. Comptes rendus de l'Acád. Sci., Paris, 201(1935), No. 21, 923-935.
  16. Note on one class of polynomials. (Georgian) Trudy Kutaiss. Pedagogical Inst., 1(1937), 66-70.
  17. On one application of Gracé theorem. (Russian) Soobshch. Gruz. filiala Acad. Nauk SSSR, 1(1940), 175-180.
  18. On one application of polynomials analogous to Jacobian ones. (Russian) Soobshch. Acad. Nauk GSSR, 2(1941), No. 1-2, 15-22.
  19. On the Euler-Lagrange identity and Bunyakovsky-Schwarz inequality. (Russian) Soobshch. Acad. Nauk GRRS, 3(1942), No. 1, 1-5.
  20. On one modification of the Gudde method and Cardan formula. (Russian) Soobshch. Acad. Nauk GSSR, 1(1943), No. 3, 195-199.
  21. On one generalization of Jacoby polynomials. (Russian) Soobshch. Acad. Nauk GSSR, 4(1943), No. 6, 492-502.
  22. On one class of algebraical surfaces. (Georgian) Trudy Tbiliss. A. Razmadze Mathem. Inst. Gruz. Acad. Nauk, 15(1947), 95-99.
  23. Note on an algebraical solution of the fourth degree equation. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Pedagogical Inst., 5(1948), 37-40.
  24. On one application of orthogonal Chebyshev polynomials. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Pedagogical Inst., 6(1949), 321-324.
  25. On sequences of continuous functions. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Pedagogical Inst., 6(1949), 325-327.
  26. On one geometrical interpretation of complex coordinates on the plane and in the space. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Pedagogical Inst., 9(1952), 409-435.
  27. On one generalization of Simpson's formula. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., 56(1955), 23-28.
  28. On one class of spatial curves. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., 64(1957), 42.
  29. Note on one sequence of polynomials analogous to trigonometric Chebyshev polynomials. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., 76(1959), 53-57.
  30. On some partial type linear differential equations with polynomial coefficients. (Russian) Trudy Tbiliss. Univ., 76(1959), 43-52.
  31. On the location of zeros of some classes of polynomials. (Russian) Izd-vo vysch. uchebn. zavedenii, Matematica, Kazan, 6(1959), 214-219.
  32. Quelques remarques sur un mode de généralisation base sur l'application des racines de l'unite. Bull. Math. Inst. of Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 3(1959), 139-151.
  33. On a derivative function of generalized Hermitian polynomials. (Russian) Soobshch. Acad. Nauk GSSR, 24(1960), No. 2, 129-136.
  34. Determinant-circulat as a unique algebraic apparatus for solution of the second, third and fourth degree equations. (Russian) Matematicheskoe prosveshchenie, 5(1960), 204-206.
  35. On generalized Hermitian polynomials. Bull. of the Calcutta Math. Society, 52(1960), No. 1, 1960.
  36. Note on one P. Turan's theorem. (Russian) Trudy Mat. Inst. Acad. Nauk Vengrii, ser., Budapest, 6(1961), No. 3, 399-403.
  37. On some special type Bessel functions and simplest generalizations connected with them. (Russian) Soobshch. Acad. Nauk GSSR, 27(1961), No. 5, 513-519.
  38. On one A. Angelescu formula. "Mathematica", Cluj (Romania), 3(1961), No. 2, 297-302.
  39. Application of the Hermitian method to the proof of root irrationality of some special functions. (Russian) Trudy Tbilisskogo un-ta, 78(1961), 45-52.
  40. On sequences of Appel type polynomials satisfying the recurrence relation. (Russian) Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 5(1964), No. 4, 963-967.
  41. On the representation of ultraspherical polynomials in terms of a differential operator having a derivative function of these polynomials. (Russian). Dokl. Acad. Nauk SSSR, 158(1964), No. 1, 59-61.
  42. On the generalization of Carlitz theorem. (Russian) Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 4(1964), No. 4, 963-967.
  43. Une forme trés précise de quelques théorémes de la moyenne, deduit de la méthode de Tchakaloff-Favard. Comptes rendus de l'Acad. Sci., Paris, 266(1968), 1094-1095.
  44. Sur les polynomes de deux variables analogues aux polynomes de Tchebychev. Comptes rendus. De l'Acad. Sci., Paris, 270(1970), 600-602.
  45. On sequences of polynomials with several parameters related to Lagerr polynomials. (Russian) Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 17(1976), No. 3, 701-704.

    (iii) TEXT-BOOKS

  46. Fundamentals of the Determinant Theory. (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1920, pp. 63.
  47. Fundamentals of the Determinant Theory. (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1927, pp. 79.
  48. Fundamentals of the Determinant Theory. (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1936, pp. 80.
  49. Introduction to Higher Mathematics. (Georgian) Tbilisi, 1927, pp. 323.
  50. Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics. (Georgian) Tbilisi, 1931, pp. 424.
  51. Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics. (Georgian) "Techniques and Labour" Tbilisi, 1934, pp. 514.
  52. Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics. I. (with A. Rukhadze). (Georgian) "Techniques and Labour" Tbilisi, 1937, pp. 432.
  53. Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics. I. (with A. Rukhadze). (Georgian) "Techniques and Labour" Tbilisi, 1946, pp. 492.
  54. Fundamentals of Higher Mathematics. II. (with A. Rukhadze). (Georgian) "Techniques and Labour" Tbilisi, 1946, pp. 340.
  55. Course of Higher Mathematics. I. (with A. Rukhadze). (Georgian) "Techniques and Labour" Tbilisi, 1948, pp. 391.
  56. Course of Higher Mathematics. (with A. Rukhadze). (Georgian) "Techniques and Labour" Tbilisi, 1951, pp. 588.
  57. Course of Mathematical Analysis. I. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian)Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1948, pp. 639.
  58. Course of Mathematical Analysis. II. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1950, pp. 554.
  59. Course of Mathematical Analysis. I. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1952, pp. 447.
  60. Course of Mathematical Analysis. II. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1954, pp. 614.
  61. Course of Mathematical Analysis. I. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1958, pp. 388.
  62. Course of Mathematical Analysis. II. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1961, pp. 509.
  63. Course of Mathematical Analysis. I. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1963, pp. 450.
  64. Course of Mathematical Analysis. II. (with V. Chelidze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze). (Georgian) Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1968, pp. 416.
  65. Elements of the Theory of Orthogonal Polynomials. (Georgian) Tbilisi State University Publ., 1996, Tbilisi.


  1. "Archil Kharadze", Society "Tsodna", Tbilisi, 1983.
  2. G. Gamkrelidze, "Tbilisi University 1918-1948", Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1948, Tbilisi.
  3. S. Jorbenadze, "Brief History of Tbilisi University", Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., 1968, Tbilisi.
  4. I. Kartsivadze, B. Khvedelidze, "Archil Kharadze (Life and Activities)", Tbilisi State University Publ., 1985, Tbilisi.