(15.03.1906, Sukhumi-15.06.1978, Tbilisi)
1914-1923 |
Pupil of Sukhumi Gymnasium |
1924-1929 |
Student of Tbilisi State University Faculty of Physics and Mathematics |
1929 |
Diploma in Mathematics, Tbilisi State University |
1933-1936 |
Post-graduate student of Moscow M. Lomonosov State University |
1936 |
Cand. Sci. (Phys. & Math.), Moscow State University |
1950 |
Doctor Sci. (Math.) Tbilisi State University |
1951 |
Conferred the rank of Professor |
1929-1933 |
Assistant at the Chair of Mathematical Analysis of Tbilisi State University |
1960-1978 |
Head of Chair of Theory of Functions of a Real Variable and Functional Analysis of Tbilisi State University |
1948-1952 |
Senior researcher of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute, Tbilisi |
1951-1952 |
Director of A. Razmadze Mathematical Institute |
1941-1974 |
Delivered lectures at Georgian Polytechnical Institute, Tbilisi, Kutaisi, Sukhumi and Telavi Pedagogical institutions |
1958-1959 |
Sent on a professional journey to China and Poland,
delivered lectures for scientific workers in the Theory of Functions and
conducted scientific work of Mathematical Faculty |
Theory of functions of many variables, theory of multiple Fourier-Lebesgue series,
representation of a function of many variables by singular integrals,
and curvilinear integrals in a space. Methods of summation of double series and double integrals
Theory of Denjoy double integral
1967 |
Corresponding member of the Georgian Academy of Sciences |
- Order of the Red Banner of Labour, 1960
- Honoured Science Worker of Georgia, 1961
- First Prize in Science of Tbilisi State University, 1965
- Honorary Diploma of Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of Abkhazian ASSR, 1966
- Member of Georgian Mathematical Society, 1962-1978
1956-1974 - Conducted seminar for teachers of mathematics at
Tbilisi State University, was Head of Republican
Conferences of mathematicians of Higher Schools,
Chair of Organizing Committee of Republican Olympiads
of young mathematicians.
35 scientific works defended candidate's dissertations,
seven of which became subsequently doctors of science,
one academician and one corresponding member of
the Georgian Academy of Sciences
(i) Monographs
- Some problems of constructive theory of functions. (Russian, Chinese).
Izd-vo Ukhan. Univ., 1958, p. 314.
- Some problems of the theory of double series. (Russian). Izd-vo Ukhan.
Univ., 1958.
- Theory of functions of a real variable. (Georgian). Gos. Izd-vo "Tsodna",
Tbilisi, 1964, p. 626.
- Some methods of summation of double series and double integrals. (Russian).
Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., Tbilisi, 1977, p. 399.
- The theory of the Denjoy integral and some applications. (Russian).
Izd-vo Tbiliss. Univ., Tbilisi, 1978, p. 363 (with A. Jvarsheishvili).
(ii) Papers
- On derivative numbers of functions of two variables. (Russian). Trudy
Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., II(1937), 109-142.
- Généralisation du théoréme concernant le changement de
l'ordre de différentiation. (French). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., I(1937),
- Sur l'intégrale curviligne. (French). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst.,
IV(1938), 1-12.
- On the necessary and sufficient condition for convergence of a double
trigonometric series of the Fourier-Lebesgue function of two variables with
an integrable square. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., VI(1939), 97-124.
- On one theorem about a surface integral. (Russian). (Russian). Trudy
Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., IX(1941), 1-17.
- On functions of an interval. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst.,
IX(1941), 1-17.
- On the representation of functions of two variables by singular double
integrals. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., XI(1942), 1-22.
- On the independence of three-dimensional surface integral on the
integration surfaces in a four-dimensional space. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss.
Gos. Univ., XXII(1942), 119-124.
- Abelian theorem on a double series. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad.
Nauk Gruz. SSR, IV(1943), No. 3, 201-206.
- The Abel-Poisson's method of summation of double Fourier series.
(Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., XIII(1944), 79-99.
- On one theorem about double power series. (Russian). Dokl. Akad. Nauk
SSSR, LIII(1946), No. 8, 695-698.
- On an absolute convergence of double Fourier series. (Russian).
Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, LIV(1946), No. 2, 117-120.
- The Abel-Princeheim theorem on a double power series. (Russian).
Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, VII(1946), Nos. 9-10, 601-607.
- Cesaro summation of double number series. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad.
Nauk Gruz. SSR, VIII(1947), No. 3, 121-126.
- Inter-relation between Cesaro and Abelian summations of double series.
(Russian). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, VIII(1947), No. 6, 365-372.
- The Barrel summation of double series. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk
Gruz. SSR, VIII(1947), No. 8, 501-508.
- Summation of double series. (Georgian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst.,
XVI(1948), 1-37.
- On extension of the Frobenius theorem to double series. (Russian). Dokl.
Akad. Nauk SSSR, LX(1948), No. 4, 553-554.
- Linear transformations of double number sequences. (Russian). Soobshch.
Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, IX(1948), No. 6, 333-339.
- On the generalized Abelian summability of double series. (Russian).
Soobshch. Akad. nauk Gruz. SSR, IX(1948), No. 8, 457-462.
- On double transformation of a function of two variables. (Russian).
Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR, IX(1948), Nos. 9-10, 521-525.
- On transformation of double sequences. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat.
Inst., XVII(1949), 61-94.
- Integral transformations of functions of two variables. (Russian). Trudy
Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., XVIII(1951), 93-113.
- On inter-relation between the Abelian methods of summation and (c,a, b).
(Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., 50(1953), 13-22.
- On the summation of double integrals. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat.
Inst., XX(1954), 131-143.
- On Ca b and A-integrability of functions of two variables. (Russian).
Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., XXI(1955), 65-76.
- On an infinite double products. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Gos. Univ.,
56(1955), 121-134 (with N. Tevzadze).
- On (c,a, b)-summability of double series.
Trudy Tbiliss. Gos. Univ., 56(1955), 59-68.
- On double series summation. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Gos. Univ.,
64(1957), 43-53.
- On Tauberian type theorems for double series. (Russian). Nauchnye doklady
vyshei shkoly, fiz.-mat. nauki, 2(1958), 91-95.
- On Tauberian type theorems for Cesaro and Abelian methods. (Russian).
Trudy Tbiliss. Gos. Univ., 76(1959), 75-86.
- On summation of multiple integrals. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst.,
XXVI(1959), 75-90.
- On absolute Fourier series convergence. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat.
Inst., XXVI(1959), 91-104.
- On absolute convergence of orthogonal double series. (Russian). Trudy
Tbiliss. Mat. Inst., XXVII(1960), 183-194.
- Tauberian type theorems for multiple series. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss.
Gos. Univ., 84(1961), 77-92.
- Inter-relations between different methods of multiple series summation.
(Russian). Trudy I i II Respubl. Konf. matematikov vyshikh uchebn. zavedenii
Gruz. SSR, 1964, 5-22.
- Tauberian type theorems for multiple integrals. (Russian), Trudy Tbiliss.
Gos. Univ., 102(1964), 33-49.
- Transformation of double sequences. (Russian). Trudy Tbiliss. Mat. Inst.,
XXXVIII(1970), 92-133.
- Matrices of the class Tcj,y. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,
57(1970), No. 1, 13-16.
- j-summability of series. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruz. SSR,
71(1973), No. 1, 45-48.
- On the Abelian summability of double series. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad.
Nauk Gruz. SSR, 72(1973), No. 2, 293-296.
- Generalization of one FEKETE theorem. (Russian). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk
Gruz. SSR, 77(1975), No. 1, 33-36.
- Summation of integrals by means of logarithmic method. (Russian).
Trudy Tbiliss. Gos. Univ., 179(1976), 7-18.
- The Cauchy type integral. (Russian). Izv.vyshikh uchebn. zavedenii,
6(193), 1978, 117-128.
- Higher Algebra. (Georgian). Izd-vo Tbiliss. Gos. Univ., 1940, 194p.
- Theory of Functions of a Real Variable. (Georgian). Izd. Tbiliss. Gos.
Univ., 1952, 300p. (1956, 428p.).
- Course of Mathematical Analysis. (Georgian). T. I - Izd-vo. Tbiliss. Gos.
Univ., Tbilisi, 1948, 636p. (I vyp.); 1958, 386p. (III vyp.); 1963, 450p.
(IV vyp.); T. II - Izd-vo Tbilissd. Gos. Univ., Tbilisi, 1950, 554p. (I
vyp.); 1954, 613p. (II vyp.); 1961, 507p. (III vyp.); 1968, 416p. (IV vyp.)
(with A. Kharadze, B. Khvedelidze, I. Kartsivadze).
- Reference book in elementary mathematics. (Georgian). Gos. Izd-vo
"Tsodna", Tbilisi, 1958, 319p. (with G. Khakhubia and N. Lomdzharia).
- Mathematics (for university entrants). (Georgian).
Gos. Izd-vo "Tsodna", Tbilisi, 1059, 547p.; Izd-vo "Ganatleba", 1972, 559p.
(with N. Lomdzharia and G. Khakhubia).
- Course of Higher Mathematics. (Georgian). T. I - Gos. Izd-vo "Tsodna",
Tbilisi, 1962, 472p.; T. II - Gos. Izd-vo "Tsodna", Tbilisi, 1964, 419p.;
T.III - Izd-vo "Ganatleba", Tbilisi, 1973, 480p. (with N. Lomdzharia and
G. Khakhubia).
- Course of Mathematical Analysis. (Georgian). Izd-vo Tbiliss. Gos. Univ.,
Tbilisi, T. I - 1971, 663p. (I vyp.); 1976, 637p. (vyp. II); 1979, 637p.
(III vyp.); T. II - 1975, 677p.
- Chelidze Vladimir Georgievich. Georgian Soviet Encyclopaedia, T. 11, 1987,
p. 390.
- Scientific Proceedings of Georgian Polytechnical Institute, Mathematical
Analysis, No. 2(314), Dedicated to blessed memory of Corresponding Member of
Georgian Academy of Sciences V.G. Chelidze.
- The theory of the Denjoy integral and some applications. World Scientific:
Singapore, New Jersey, London, Hong Kong, 1989.
- A.D. Bendukidze. Mathematics, serious and entertaining. (Georgian). Izd-vo
"Nakaduli", Tbilisi, 1988. Dedicated to blessed memory of V.G. Chelidze