M. Agranovsky and P. Kuchment
Let $f\in L^p(\mathbb{R}^n)$ and $R>0$. The transform is considered that
integrates the function $f$ over (almost) all spheres of radius $R$ in $\mathbb{R}^n$.
This operator is known to be non-injective (as one can see by taking Fourier
transform). However, the counterexamples that can be easily constructed using
Bessel functions of the 1st kind, only belong to $L^p$ if $p>2n/(n-1)$. It has
been shown previously by S. Thangavelu that for $p$ not exceeding the critical
number $2n/(n-1)$, the transform is indeed injective.
A support theorem that strengthens this injectivity result can be deduced from
the results of [V. Volchkov, Integral geometry and convolution equations.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 2003], [Valery V. Volchkov and
Vitaly V. Volchkov}, Harmonic analysis of mean periodic functions on symmetric
spaces and the Heisenberg group. Springer Monographs in Mathematics.
Springer-Verlag London, Ltd., London, 2009]. Namely, if $K$ is a convex
bounded domain in $\R^n$, the index $p$ is not above $2n/(n-1)$, and (almost)
all the integrals of $f$ over spheres of radius $R$ not intersecting $K$ are
equal to zero, then $f$ is supported in the closure of the domain $K$.
In fact, convexity in this case is too strong a condition, and the result holds
for any what we call $R$-convex domain.
We provide a simplified and self-contained proof of this statement.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 35L05, 92C55, 65R32, 44A12
Key words and phrases: Spherical mean, Radon transform, support