Mikheil Basheleishvili
A finite domain $D_1$ and an infinite domain $D_0$ are considered with the
common boundary $S$ having H\"{o}lder continuous curvature. $D_1$ and $D_0$ are
filled with isotropic elastic mixtures. In $D_1$ and $D_0$ $u^{(1)}$ and
$u^{(0)}$ are displacement vectors while $T^{(1)}u^{(1)}$ and $T^{(2)}u^{(2)}$
are stress vectors. The main contact problem considered in the paper may be
formulated as follows: in the domains $D_1$ and $D_0$, find regular vectors
$u^{(1)}$ and $u^{(0)}$ satisfying on the boundary $S$ the conditions
(u^{(1)})^{+}-(u^{(0)})^{-} & =f, \\
(T^{(1)}u^{(1)})^{+}-(T^{(2)}u^{(2)})^{-} & = F,
where $f$ and $F$ are given vectors. A uniqueness theorem is proved for this
problem. A Fredholm system of integral equations is derived for the problem. An
existence theorem is proved for the main contact problem via investigation of
the latter system.
Mathematics Subject Classification: 74B05
Key words and phrases: Simple and double layer potentials, Fredholm system of integral equations of second kind