J. Shabani and A. Vyabandi

On a New Two Parameter Model of Relativistic Point Interactions in One Dimension

We introduce and study a new 2-parameter model of relativistic point interactions in one dimension formally given by
D_{{\underline{\underline \alpha}},y} =D + {\underline{\underline \alpha}}\delta(x - y);x\in \IR, \;\; y>0,
where $D$ is the free Dirac Hamiltonian and ${\underline{\underline \alpha}}$ is a $2 \times 2$ matrix. $D_{{\underline{\underline \alpha}},y}$ provides a generalization of two models of relativistic point interactions discussed in [Lett. Math. Phys. {\bf{13}} (1987), 345--358].

We define $D_{{\underline{\underline \alpha}},y}$ using the theory of self-adjoint extensions of symmetric closed operators in Hilbert spaces, derive its resolvent equation, analyze its spectral properties and discuss scattering theory for the pair $(D_{{\underline{\underline \alpha}},y},D)$. We also study the nonrelativistic limit of $D_{{\underline{\underline \alpha}},y}$ which provides a special 2-parameter model of the one-dimensional generalized point interactions introduced in [P. Exner and H. Grosse, Some properties of the one dimensional
generalized point interactions. Preprint, 1999].

Mathematics Subject Classification: 81Q10, 47N50, 81Q05

Key words and phrases: boundary conditions problem, one-dimensional Dirac operator, self-adjoint extensions, resolvent equation, spectral properties, nonrelativistic limit, scattering theory