The decays and chiral symmetry-breaking (with M. A. Eliashvili
and M. Tugulea). Preprint JINR E2-5996, Dubna, 1971, 1-9.
decays and chiral symmetry-breaking (with M. Tsugulea and
M. Eliashvili). (Russian) Yad. Fiz. 15 (1972), 530-533.
Electromagnetic mass differences of nucleons and sum rules in the automodel region (with V. A. Matveev, A. N. Tavkhelidze, D. Robaschik, and E. Wieczorek). Communication of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, E2-7028, Dubna, 1973, 1-9.
Conformally invariant vertex functions for the case of the continuous mass spectrum (with V. A. Matveev). (Russian) Communication of the JINR P2-9435, Dubna, 1976, 1-20.
Conformally invariant vertex functions for the case of the continuous mass spectrum (with V. Matveev). (Russian) Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR 82 (1976), 353-356.
Automodel solutions in conformal invariant theory with continuous mass spectrum (with V. Matveev). (Russian) Communication of the JINR P2-10352, Dubna, 1976, 1-19.
Automodel solutions in conformal invariant theory with continuous mass spectrum (with V. Matveev). (Russian) Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 31 (1977), 308-312.
An integral equation for causal distributions and their
self-similar asymptotic behavior in the ladder
-model (with A. N.
Kvinihidze, V. A. Matveev, M. A.
Mestvirishvili, and A. Tavkhelidze).
(Russian) Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 45 (1980), No. 3,
Integral equation for causal distributions and their
automodel asymptotics in the ladder
theory (with A. Kvinikhidze, V. Matveev, M. Mestvirishvili,
and A. Tavkhelidze). (Russian) Communication of the JINR P2-80-397,
Dubna, 1980, 1-14.
Integral equation for causal distributions in the ladder
theory (with V. Matveev). (Russian) Preprint JINR
P2-82-454, Dubna, 1982, 1-10.
Scale invariance breaking and the behaviour of the spectral function of the Deser-Gilbert-Sudarsan representation. Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR 107 (1982), 497-499.
Relativistic form factors in terms of wave functions at rest (with A. Kvinikhidze and A. Khvedelidze). Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 78 (1987), 227-233.
Nonperturbative approach to quark propagator in the covariant, transverse gauge (with V. Gogokhia). Preprint of the Central Research Institute for Physics, KFKI-1987-01/A, Budapest, 1987.
Infrared structure of the quark propagator in the covariant gauge in QCD (with V. Gogokhia). (Russian) In: Proc. Workshop on the Contemporary Problems in Mathematical Physics, Tbilisi University Press, 1987.
Analytic structure of the quark propagator in quantum cromodynamics (with V. Gogokhia). Soobshch. Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR 129 (1988), 301-304.
Infrared structure of the finite quark propagator and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD (with V. Gogokhia). (Russian) Proc. II Workshop on the Problem of Infrared Behaviour in QCD (Tbilisi, 1988), Tbilisi University Press, 1988, 117-132.
Constant cluon propagator and quark confinement in QCD (with V. Gogokhia and G. Efimov). Preprint JINR P2-88-127, Dubna, 1988, 1-10.
Infrared structure of the Landau gauge propagator (with V. Gogokhia). In: Proc. International Seminar QUARKS’88 (Tbilisi, USSR, 1988), World Scientific, 1989, 256-265.
Infrared finite quark propagator and chiral symmetry breaking in QCD (with V. Gogokhia). Phys. Lett. B 217 (1989), 162.
Quark confinement and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in QCD (with V. Gogokhia). Modern Phys. Lett. A 4 (1989), No. 16, 1549-1558.
Nonperturbative calculations of the pion decay constant and the quark condensate in chiral QCD (with V. Gogokhia and Gy. Kluge). Phys. Lett. B 244 (1990), 68.
Determination of the pion decay constant and quark condensate in chiral QCD (with V. Gogokhia and Gy. Kluge). Preprint Central Research Institute for Physics, KFKI-1990-09/A, Budapest, 1990.
Determination of the pion decay constant and quark condensate in chiral QCD (with V. Gogokhia and Gy. Kluge). Proc. International Seminar QUARKS’90 (Telavi, USSR, 1990), World Scientific, 1991, 372-381.
Dynamical quark mass generation in the infrared region in QCD (with V. Gogokhia). In: Proc. Workshop on the Standard model at Present and Future Accelerator Energies, Nova Science Publischer, Commach, New York, 1992, 91-101.
Infrared singularity and dynamical chiral symmetry breaking in QCD. In: Proc. IX Int. Seminar QUARKS’96 (Russia, 1996), Moscow, 1997, 186-192.
Analytic perturbation theory and superconvergence relation in QCD. In: Proc. Second Internat. Workshop Selected Topics of Theoretical and Modern Mathematical Physics, ENSLAPP-A-642/97, 47-57.
The gluon propagator in analytic perturbation theory. In: Proc. 10th International Seminar QUARKS’98 (Suzdal, Russia, May 17-24, 1998), 1 (1998), 158-170; hep-ph/9808247, 1998.
Analytic approach to perturbative quantum chromodynamics and the Lambert w function. Proc. A. Razmadze Math. Inst. 118 (1998), 111-115.
On analytic approach to perturbative quantum chromodynamics. In: Proc. Conference on Trends in Mathematical Physics AMS/IP Studies in Advanched Mathematics 13 (1999), 399-406; Amer. Math. Soc., Internat. Press, 1999.
Analytic approach to perturbative QCD, the Lambert W function and the gluon propagator. In: Proc. Intern. Meeting ISPM-98, Published by Annecy LAAP, ENSLAAP-99, 1999.
An analytic approach to perturbative QCD. Int. J. Modern. Phys. A 15 (2000), 2715-2733; hep-ph/9911456.
QCD coupling up to third order in standard and analytic perturbation theories. Communication of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research, E2-2000-222; hep-ph/0010070.
Explicit expressions for timelike and spacelike observables of quantum chromodynamics in analytic perturbation theory (with D. S. Kourashev). (Russian) Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 135 (2003), No 1, 95-106; English transl.: Theoret. and Math. Phys. 135 (2003), 531-540; hep-ph/0104142.
Practical techniques of analytic perturbation theory of QCD. hep-ph/0305020, 2003.
Introduction to the analytic approach in perturbative quantum chromodynamics. Itogi Nauki i Tekniki, 1-50 (submitted).
Exact explicit solutions to the QCD renormalization group equation in all orders. J. Phys. A (submitted).
Modelling of the QCD effective coupling in the infrared region. J. Phys. G (submitted).