1. Large angle scattering for nonlocal quasipotentials (with A. Kvinikhidze). Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 50 (1982), 397-401.

  2. On representation of symmetry group transformation operators in the interaction picture (with G. Jorjadze and A. Kvinikhidze). Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 73 (1987), 311-315.

  3. Covariant evolution operator in composite models of quantum field theory (with A. Kvinikhidze and V. Matveev). Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 72 (1987), 45-57.

  4. Deep-inelastic scattering in the formalism with the wave functions of composite system at rest (with A. Kvinikhidze and A. Sissakian). JINR Preprint E2-87-543, Dubna, 1987.

  5. Relativistic form factors in terms of wave functions at rest (with A. Kvinikhidze and B. Magradze). Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 78 (1987), 227-233.

  6. Covariant Schrödinger equation in composite models of quantum field theory (with A. Kvinikhidze). (Russian) Proc. of Symposium Problems of Mathematical Physics (Tbilisi, 1987), Tbilisi State University Press 1 (1988), 262-268.

  7. Deep-inelastic scattering in the formalism with wave functions of bound state at rest (with A. Kvinikhidze and A. Sissakian). (Russian) Proc.of VIII Workshop Problems of Quantum Field Theory, (Alusta, USSR, 1987), Dubna, 1988, 239-245.

  8. Description of deep-inelastic processes in terms of the rest frame wave functions of composites (with A. Kvinikhidze and A. Sissakian). Yad. Fiz. 47 (1988), 1475-1483.

  9. Hamilton-Dirac method and evolution operator in interaction representation (with V. V. Sanadze). JINR Preprint E2-88-768, Dubna, 1988.

  10. On expansion of the boost operator over the coupling constant powers (with A. Kvinikhidze). Teoret. Mat Fiz.78 (1989), 357-367.

  11. Relativistic form factors in terms of bound state wave function at rest. Ph. D. Thesis, JINR 2-89-524, Dubna, 1989.

  12. Deep-inelastic form factors and a wave function of nucleon at rest (with A. Kvinikhidze). Proc. International Seminar Quarks’88 (Tbilisi, USSR, 1988), World Scientific, 1989, 248-255.

  13. Neutron to proton structure functions ratio at  (with A. Kvinikhidze). Yad. Fiz. 50 (1989), 1165-1167; English transl.: Sov. J. Nucl. Phys. 50(1989), 725.

  14. Are quarks nonrelativistic in the nucleon? (with A. Kvinikhidze, G. Lavrelashvili, and M. Serebryakov). Nuovo. Cimento 103 (1990), 1669-1674.

  15. To the pair-interaction approximation in equations of the quantum field theory for a four- particle system (with A. Kvinikhidze). Proc. International Seminar Quarks’90 (Telavi, USSR, 1990), World Scientific, 1991, 207-217.

  16. Bound state wave functions  at rest in describing deep-inelastic scattering (with A. Kvinikhidze). Nuclear Phys. A 523 (1991), 597-613.

  17. Covariant evolution operator (with V. V. Sanadze). Proc. International  Seminar  SIMI’91 (Borjomi, USSR,1991), World Scientific, 1992.

  18. To the pair-interaction approximation in equations of the quantum field theory for a four-body system (with A. Kvinikhidze). Teoret. Mat. Fiz. 90 (1992), 95-112.

  19. Zero modes of first-class secondary constraints in gauge theories (with V. N. Pervushin). JINR Preprint E2-93-493, Dubna, 1993.

  20. Gaugeless dynamics of nonlinear plane wave in gravity (with S. Han Nguyen and V. N. Pervushin). Proc. Seminar Finite Dimensional Integrable Systems, JINR, Dubna, 1994, 94-97.

  21. Zero modes of Gauss’ constraint in gaugeless reduction of Yang-Mills theory (with V. N. Pervushin). Helv. Phys. Acta 67 (1994), No. 6, 610-625.

  22. Gaugeless reduction of gravity and evolution of universe (with V. V. Papoyan and V. N. Pervushin). In: Problems on High Energy Physics and Field Theory Proc. of XVII Workshop Dedicated to the 140 Birth Aniversary of Henri Poincare, Protvino (June 27-July 1, 1994), 1995, 140-155.

  23. Gaugeless quantization of constrained systems (with V. N. Pervushin). In D. I. Blokhintsev Memorial Volume, Dubna, 1995, D2-94-390, 104-132.

  24. Quantum evolution of the universe: a gaugeless approach (with V. V. Papoyan and V. N. Pervushin). Gravit. Cosmol. 1 (1995), No. 2, 81-87.

  25. Covariant gauges for constrained systems (with S. A. Gogilidze and V. N. Pervushin). Phys. Lett. B 363 (1995), 76-78.

  26. Gaugeless reduction of gravity and evolution of universe (with V. V. Papoyan and V. N. Pervushin). Phys. Rev. D 51 (1995), No. 10, 5654-5663.

  27. Abelization of momentum constraints in Bianchi cosmological models (with S. A. Gogilidze, D. M. Mladenov, and V. N. Pervushin). Proc. 10th International Conference on Problems of Quantum Field Theory, JINR, 1996, E2-96-369.

  28. The time surface term in quantum gravity (with V. Pervushin, V. Papoyan, S. Gogilidze, Yu. Palii, and V. Smirichinski). Phys. Lett. B 365 (1996), 35-40.

  29. On Hamiltonian reduction of the Bianchi cosmology (with S. A. Gogilidze, D. M. Mladenov, and V. N. Pervushin). Proc. International Workshop Selected Topics of Theoretical and Modern Mathematical Physics (Tbilisi, Georgia, September 22-28, 1996).

  30. On abelization of first class constraints (with S. A. Gogilidze and V. N. Pervushin). J. Math. Phys. B 37 (1996), 1760-1771.

  31. On admissible gauges for constrained systems (with S. A. Gogilidze and V. N. Pervushin). Phys. Rev. D 53 (1996), 2160-2172.

  32. Dirac and Friedmann observables in quantum universe with radiation (with S. A. Gogilidze, V. V. Papoyan, and V. N. Pervushin). Gravit. Cosmol. 3 (1997), 17-23.

  33. On generalized dynamics of Bianchi IX cosmology (with S. Gogilidze, D. Mladenov, and V. Pervushin). Proc. VIII Marcel Grossmann Meeting (June 22-27, 1997), The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 1997.

  34. Description of Friedmann observables in quantum universe (with  Y. G. Palii, V. V. Papoyan, and V. N. Pervushin). Phys. Lett. 402 (1997), 263.

  35. Hamiltonian analysis of Bianchi IX cosmology (with S. A. Gogilidze, D. M. Mladenov, and V. N. Pervushin). Gravit. Cosmol. 3 (1997), 85.

  36. Two parameters solution for Bianchi I cosmological model (with S. A. Gogilidze and D. M. Mladenov). Proc. Conference Gravitational Energy and Gravitational Waves, Dubna, JINR, 1997.

  37. Hamiltoniam reduction of SU(2) Dirac-Yang-Mills mechanics (with S. A. Gogilidze, D. M. Mladenov, and H.-P. Pavel). Phys. Rev. D 57 (1998), 7488-7500.

  38. Hamiltonian reduction of SU(2) Yang-Mills theory (with H.-P. Pavel). MPG-VT-UR-157-98, Electronic archive hep-th/9808082, 1998.

  39. On the infrared limit of unconstrained SU(2) Yang-Mills theory (with H.-P.Pavel). MPG-VT-UR-158-98, Electronic archive hep-th/9808089, 1998.

  40. Unconstrained SU(2) Yang-Mills quantum mechanics with theta angle (with H.-P.Pavel and G. Röpke). Phys. Rev. D 61 (1999), 025017.

  41. Nonperturbative reduction of Yang-Mills theory and low energy effective action (with H.-P. Pavel). Electronic archive hep-th/9811115; Proc. International Seminar in Physics and Mathematics (Tbilisi, September 5-18, 1998), Mathematical Methods in Modern Theoretical Physics, 1999, 205-216.

  42. On rational Euler-Calogero-Moser and Yang-Mills mechanics (with D. Mladenov). Proc. Seminar Physical Variables in Gauge Theory (Dubna, 1999), 1999, 148-158.

  43. Negative mode about the Coleman-De Lucia bounce (with G. Lavrelashvili). Proc. Seminar Physical Variables in Gauge Theory (Dubna, 1999), 1999, 61-69.

  44. SU(2) Yang-Mills mechanics and  Euler-Calogero-Moser model with inverse square potential (with D. Mladenov). Proc. Seminar Symmetries and Integrable Models (Dubna, 1999), 1999, 113-125.

  45. Reduction in systems with local symmetries (with S. A. Gogilidze and V. N. Pervushin). (Russian) Fiz. Elem. Chastits. At. Yadra 30 (1999), 160-209; English transl.: Phys. Particles and Nuclei 30 (1999), 66-86.

  46. Unconstrained Hamiltonian formulation of SU(2) gluodynamics (with H.-P. Pavel). Phys. Rev. D 59 (1999), 105017.

  47. On the groundstate of Yang-Mills quantum mechanics (with H.-P. Pavel). Phys. Lett. A 267 (2000), 96.

  48. Euler-Calogero-Moser system from SU(2) Yang-Mills theory (with D. M. Mladenov). Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000), 125016.

  49. On cosmological perturbations in closed FRW model with scalar field and  false vacuum decay (with G. Lavrelashvili and T.Tanaka). Phys. Rev. D 62 (2000), 083501.

  50. Classical mechanics on GL(n,R) group and Euler-Calogero-Sutherland model (with D. M. Mladenov). Proc. XXIII International Colloquium on Group Theoretical Methods in Physics (Dubna, 2000); Yad. Fiz. 65 (2002), 1075-1079; English transl.: Phys. Atom. Nucl. 65 (2002), 1042-1046. 

  51. Generalized Hamiltonian dynamics of Friedmann cosmology with scalar  and spinor matter source fields (with Y. G. Palii). Classical Quantum Gravity 18 (2001), 1767-1785.

  52. Generalized Calogero-Sutherland models from geodesic motion on GL(n,R) group manifold (with D. M. Mladenov). Phys. Lett. A 299 (2002), 522.

  53. On unconstrained SU(2) gluodynamics with theta angle (with D. M. Mladenov, H.-P. Pavel, and G. Ropke). European Phys. J.C 24 (2002), 137.

  54. Analysis of constraints in light-cone version of SU(2) Yang-Mills mechanics (with V. P. Gerdt and D. M. Mladenov). Proc. International Workshop Computer Algebra and its Applications to Physics, CAAP-2001, Dubna, 2002, E5-11-2001-279, 83-92.

  55. Charges, monopoles and gauge invariance (with R. Horan, M. Lavelle, and D. McMullan). Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop on Confinement, Topology, and other Non-Perturbative Aspects of QCD (Stara Lesna, Slovakia, January 21-27, 2002), Electronic archive hep-th/0204258, 2002.

  56. Bianchi type I cosmology and Euler-Calogero-Sutherland model (with D. M. Mladenov). Phys. Rev. D 66 (2002), 123504.

  57. Light-cone SU(2) Yang-Mills theory and conformal mechanics (with V. P. Gerdt and D. M. Mladenov). Electronic archive hep-th/0210022, 2002.

  58. Unconstrained SU(2) Yang-Mills theory with topological term in the long-wavelength approximation (with D. M. Mladenov, H. P. Pavel, and G. Ropke). Phys. Rev. D 67 (2003), 105013.

  59. On application of involutivity analysis of differential equations to constrained dynamical systems (with V. P. Gerdt and D. M. Mladenov). Proc. Seminar Symmetries and Integrable Models (Dubna, Russia, 2003), Electronic archive hep-th/0311174, 2003.