Heyting algebras, I. Duality theory. (Russian) Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1985.
A -system and algebras with derivation. (Russian) Soobshch.
Akad. Nauk Gruzin. SSR 40 (1965),
On the lattice of varieties of Brouwerian algebras. (Russian) VIII InterUnion Colloquium in Universal Algebras, Riga, 1967, 144-146.
On semi groups, generated by closure operation and pseudocomplement. (Russian) IX InterUnion Algebraic Colloquium, Gomel, 1968, 223-224.
On covers of Brouwerian algebras. (Russian) IX InterUnion Algebraic Colloquium, Gomel, 1968, 222-223.
Brouwerian and dually Brouwerian topological structures. (Russian) II Tiraspol Symposium in General Topology and its Applications, Kishinev, 1969, 102-103.
On some class of topological structures. (Russian) X InterUnion Algebraic Colloquium, Novosibirsk II (1969), 137-138.
A topological representation of some Brouwerian algebras. (Russian) Confer.in Algebra and Mathematical Logic, Ivanovo, 1970, 134-135.
A structure of quasi-closed elements in closure algebras. (Russian) III Sci. Session, Institute of Aplied Mathematics, Tbilisi, 1970, 25-26.
On subdirect products of Lukasiewicz algebras. (Russian) III Sci. Session, Institute of Applied Mathematics, Tbilisi, 1971, 25-26.
On Lukasiewichian algebras. IV Internat. Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Bucharest, 1971, 25-26.
On the category of perfect Kripke models. (Russian) II InterUnion Confer.in Mathematical Logic, Moscow, 1972, 54.
Topological Kripke models. (Russian) Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR 214 (1974), 298-301.
Five critical modal systems (with V. M. Meskhi). (Russian) Theory of Logical Inference, Moscow, 1974, 76-79.
On theory of topological Kripke models. (Russian) III InterUnion Confer. in Mathematical Logic, Novosibirsk, 1974, 233-235.
On some new results in the theory modal and superintuitionistic logics. (Russian) Theory of Logical Inference, Moscow, 1974, 173-184.
On stracture of fibred coproducts in some classes distributive lattices and closure algebras. (Russian) V Conf. Georgian Mathematicians, Tbilisi, 1975, 29-30.
Christmas trees. On free cyclic algebras in some varieties of closure algebras (with R. Grigolia). Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Philos. Sociol. Bull. Sect. Logic 4 (1975), No. 3, 95-102.
The problem of dualism in the intuitionistic logic and Brouwerian lattices. V Internat.Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Canada, 1975, 7-8.
On modal “companion” of superintuitionistic logics. (Russian) VII InterUnion Confer. in Logic and Methodology of Science, Kiev, 1976, 135-136.
On Dummett-Lemmon’s hypothesis. (Russian) IV InterUnion Confer. in Mathematical Logic, Kishinev, 1976, 160.
On the category of preordered Stone spaces. (Russian) VI InterUnion Conference in Mathematical Logic, Tbilisi, 1977, 136-137.
On the category of Pierce’s algebras. (Russian) XIV InterUnion Algebraic Conference, Novosibirsk, 1977, 127.
On coproducts in the category of topological Kripke models. (Russian) VII Conf. Georgian Mathematicians, Tbilisi, 1977, 47-48.
The criterion of Brouwerian and closure algebras to be finitely generated (with R. Grigolia). Polish Acad. Sci. Inst. Philos. Sociol. Bull. Sect. Logic 6 (1977), No. 2, 46-52.
Five critical modal systems (with V. Meskhi). Theoria 43 (1977), No. 1, 52-60.
Diagonal constructions, Lob’s formula and Cantor scattered spaces. (Russian) Modal and Intesional Logics, Moscow, 1978, 177-179.
Semantic analyse of bi-modal (temporal) systems. (Russian) Logic, Semantics, Methodology, Mecniereba, Tbilisi, 1978, 87-99.
On the theory of modal and superintuitionistic systems. (Russian) Logical Inference (Moscow, 1974), 147-172, Nauka, Moscow, 1979.
On weak filtered products Boolean algebras. (Russian) V InterUnion Conference in Mathematical Logic, Novosibirsk, 1979, 169.
A remark on the category of Stone spaces. (Russian) IX Conf. Georgian Mathematicians, Tbilisi State University, Tbilisi, 1979, 67-68.
On the variety of Grzegorczyk algebras. (Russian) Studies in Nonclassical Logics and Set Theory (Russian), pp. 257-287, Nauka, Moscow, 1979.
Duality for the almost direct products of Boolean. Heyting and closure algebras. VI Internat. Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Hannover, FRG, 1979, Abstracts, Section 1-4, 103-106.
Diagonal constructions, the Löb formula and rarefied Cantor spaces. (Russian) Studies in Logic and Semantics, 128-143, Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1981.
On Hausdorff reducible spaces. (Russian) X Conf. Georgian Mathematicians, Batumi, Sabchota Ajara, 1981, 199.
The category of Heyting algebras is balance-sheet (with R. Grigolia). (Russian) XVII InterUnion Algebraic Conference, Leningrad, 1981, 37-38.
On two modal systems, connected with Peano arithmetic. (Russian) Proc. VIII InterUnion Conf. on Logic and Methodology of Sciences, Moscow, 1982, 130-133.
Weak decomposition of Heyting and Boolean algebras. VI Internat. Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Austria, Salzburg, 1983, 71-73.
A locally finite variety of Heyting algebras. (Russian) XVII InterUnion Algebraic Conference, Minsk, 1983, 280-281.
Algebras of logic. (Russian) Ordered Sets and Lattices, No. 7, 15--26, 144, Saratov. Gos. Univ., Saratov, 1983.
On the variety of Grzegorczyk algebras. Sel. Math. Sov. 3 (1984), No. 4, 343-366.
The intuitionistic logic and weak Peirce’ law. (Russian) Intensional Logic and Logical Structure of Theories (IV USSR-Finland Logic Colloquium), Tbilisi, Mecniereba,1985, 170-171.
Notes on polymonials in monadic diagonalizable algebras. (Russian) VII InterUnion Conference on Mathematical Logic, Moscow, 1986, 219.
A classification of the elements in closure algebras – Hausdorff ‘s residue. (Russian) Moscow, 1986, 172-173.
A classification of elements in closure algebras. (Russian) Logical Methods of Analisys of Scientific Knowledge, Mecniereba, Tbilisi, 1986.
On a classification of elements in closure algebras. VIII Internat. Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Nauka, Moscow 5 (1987), 103-104.
Cantor's scattered spaces and logic of provability (with M. Abashidze). Baku International Topological Conference, Baku, Abstracts, part I, 1987, 3.
Unified adequate model of intuitionistic logic and Godel-Lob and Grzegorczyk modal systems (with M. A. Abashidze). (Russian) IX InterUnion. Conference on Mathematical Logic, Leningrad, Nauka, 1988, 3.
Provability logic with quantifier modalities. Intensional Logics and the Logical Structure of Theories (Russian) (Telavi, 1985), 4-9, Metsniereba, Tbilisi, 1988.
Glivenko’s theorem in the context of diagonalizable algebras. X InterUnion Conf. on Mathematical Logic, Alma-Ata, Gilim, 1990, 172.
An outline for the amended intuitionistic logic and the kindred modal systems. Research Paper HCRC/RP–72 Human Communication Research Centre, Univ. of Edinburgh, 2 Buccleuch Place, Edinburgh EH8 9LW, 1995, 1-3.
Amended intuitionistic logic and formal provability. X Internat. Congress for Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science, Italy, Florence , Published by Comune di Cesena-Assessorato alla Cultura – Centro di Epistemologia “Fe Enriques”, Volume of Abstracts, 1995, 40.
McKinsey modal system – half a centary later. (Russian) XI Intern.Conf. Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science , Моscow-Obninsk, 1995, 95-98.
Quantification problem in intuitionistic logic in the context of provability interpretation. (Russian) Intern. Conference “Smirnov’s Readings”, Moscow, Russ. Acad. Sci., 1997, 28-31.
Provability interpretations of intuitionistic logic. (Russian) Logical Investigations, No. 5 (Russian) (Moscow, 1997), 19-24, Nauka, Moscow, 1998.
Quantification in intuitionistic logic with provability smack. Bull. Sect. Logic 27 (1998), No. 1/2, 26-28.
Creative and critical points in intuitionistic Kripke models and adjoint modalities. (Russian) II Internat. Conference “Smirnov’s Readings”, Moscow, Russ. Acad. Sci, 1999, 78-82.
Scattered toposes (with M. Jibladze and D. Pataraia). Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 103 (2000), No. 1-3, 97-107.
Synopsis of fronton theory. (Russian) Logical Investigations, No. 7 (Russian) (Moscow, 1999), 137-147, Nauka, Moscow, 2000.
Weak transitivity – a restitution. (Russian) Logical Investigations, No. 8 (Russian) (Moscow, 2001), 244-255, Nauka, Moscow, 2001.
Godel-Lob modal system – addendum. (Russian) III Intern.Conference “Smirnov’s Rreadings”, Moscow, Russ. Acad. Sci., 2001, 77-99.
A topological interpretation of provability predicate in peano arithmetic and Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. Modern Algebra and its Applications, Tbilisi, 2002, 16-17.
A modal version of Gödel's second incompleteness theorem, and the McKinsey system. (Russian) Logical Investigations, No. 9 (Russian), 292-300, Nauka, Moscow, 2002.
Godel’s embedding the intuitionistic calculus into modal logic: recent and new observations. IV Intern. Conference “Smirnov’s Readings”, Moscow, Russ. Acad. Sci., 2003, 72-75.
Intuitionistic logic and modality via topology. Ann. Pure Appl. Logic 127 (2004), No. 1-3, 155-170.