M. Basheleishvili

Effective Solution of the Basic Boundary Value Problem for Homogeneous Equations of Statics of the Theory of Elastic Mixture in a Circular Domain and
in an Infinite Domain with a Circular Hole

In the paper we consider the boundary value problem for homogeneous equations of statics of the theory of elastic mixtures in a circular domain, and in an infinite domain with a circular hole, when projections of the displacement vector on the normal and of the stress vector on the tangent are prescribed on the boundary of the domain. The arbitrary analytic vector j appearing in the general representation of the displacement vector is sought as a double layer potential whose density is a linear combination of the normal and tangent unit vectors. Having chosen the displacement vector in a special form, we define the projection of the density on the normal by the function given on the boundary. To find the projection of the stress vector on the tangent, we obtain a singular integral equation with the Hilbert kernel. Using the formula of transposition of singular integrals with the Hilbert kernel, we obtain expressions for the projection on the tangent of the above-mentioned density. Assuming that the function is Hölder continuous, the projection of the displacement vector on the normal and its derivative are likewise Hölder continuous. Under these conditions the obtained expressions for the displacement and stress vectors are continuous up to the boundary. The theorem on the uniqueness of solution is proved, when the boundary is a circumference. The projections of the displacement vector on the normal and tangent are written explicitly. Using these projections, the displacement vector is written in the form of the integral
Poisson type formula.

Mathematics Subject Classification: 74B05

Key words and phrases: Potentials, singular equation with a Hilbert kernel, formula of interchange of of singular integrals, general representation of the displacement and stress vectors, analogues of the general Kolosov-Muskhelishvili's representations